

20 stars
8 forks
2 issues


List of commits on branch master.

Add Google Analytics.

iint3 committed 12 years ago

Compress PNGs and remove font file.

iint3 committed 12 years ago

Remove .map files.

iint3 committed 12 years ago

Add nicer HTML wrapper.

iint3 committed 12 years ago

Initial commit.

iint3 committed 12 years ago


The README file for this repository.

Open Syobon Action v0.9

by Mathew Velasquez

Open Syobon Action is a cross-platform port of the unforgiving Japanese parody of Super Mario Bros..

Please report any bugs on the Sourceforge page (

Requires: SDL, SDL_image, SDL_mixer, SDL_ttf, SDL_gfx

Controls: Z, Up, Semicolon, Button 1 (Joystick*) - Jump Left, Right - Movement Down - Enter warp pipe 0-9 (On menu) - Level Select

*Gamepad/Joystick Notes: Your gamepad or joystick may not work by default with Open Syobon Action. Check joyconfig.h in the src directory for more information.

Command Line Parameters: -nosound Disables Sound

Unimplemented (Todo): *Font thickness (Really not important)

--Changelog-- Open Syobon Action RC 2: *First Windows release! *Dvorak keyboard support *Error messages more detailed and directed to stdout *Compiled code optimized for speed *Better initialization and de-initialization code, so you can be confident that all resources are freed. *Optional sound: The game will no longer crash if there is no audio device available, and all sound can be disabled with the -nosound parameter *Minor bugfixes here and there

Open Syobon Action RC 1: *Fixed incorrect "box" rendering (used to draw green pipes) *Fixed random crashing at certain parts (thanks to mekuso for the bug report) *Volumes now appropriately altered *Gamepad support added *Now uses original indexed PNGs, with original filenames (capital PNG) *Minor tweaks and optimizations

Open Syobon Action v0.9: *Fixed incorrect character rendering, uses font very similar to the original game (sazanami-gothic.ttf rather than msgothic.ttf) *Changed encoding of the original readme and source code to UTF-8, so they can be viewed correctly with most software *Changed DOS newlines to Unix newlines in source and readme *Source code has been cleaned up with "indent", removed a few obsolete comments

Open Syobon Action v0.8: *First release