Requirements for Milestone 1 include:
FR1: Should have a command line invokable test suite
- Can be invoked via
yarn test
- Can be invoked via
FR2: Should have signature and stubs for the high level API
- Can be seen in the files here. These files include the high level interfaces we designed during the development period of this Milestone.
NFR1: Should have a comprehensive test suite for CRDT as well as the CRDTree extension
- Can be seen in the test suite written here. Each test is annotated with the behaviour it attempts to expose.
- Some test cases were taken directly from Kleppmann et al. (and are labelled as such). This means we expect our implementation to at least match their specification of correctness.
NRF2: Should have a partial test suite for the CRDTree Protocol Library
- Can be seen in the starter test suite written here. While less complete, it had us reason about how the API should be useable.
Requirements for Milestone 2 include:
FR1: Should be able to initialize a CRDT
- Can be seen by invoking our test suite via
yarn test
- Can be seen by invoking our test suite via
FR2: Should be able to merge two CRDTs
given their initial states are the same- We now enforce that every instance has the same initial state, so any two CRDT objects are mergeable. This can also be seen via our test suite
FR3: Should be able to render a CRDTree
- Can be seen by invoking our test suite via
yarn test
- Can be seen by invoking our test suite via
NFR1: Merges should terminate in a reasonable amount of time, less than a second
This is only kind of demonstrated through our tests, and we now realise this was underspecified. When given a list with 47347 insertions, performance degrades to an abysmal 17 secondsYou know what? We did it. You can insert like 100 elements and it gets done in under a second. Please clap
NFR2: Memory allocation should scale at worst polynomially in operations
- This test was born out of some scary things we saw in the original algorithm by Kleppmann et al., however by keeping our semantics simple we were able to do away with some of their requirements and maintained linear storage usage (if you don't count all the arrays we let get garbage collected). You would need to read the code to see this :(
FR1: Should be able to make a fork
- Can be seen by invoking our test suite via
yarn test
- Can be seen by invoking our test suite via
FR2: Should be able to join a fork
- Can be seen by invoking our test suite via
yarn test
- Can be seen by invoking our test suite via
FR3: Should be able to render a history that contains forks or joins
- Can be seen by invoking our test suite via
yarn test
- Can be seen by invoking our test suite via
This milestone contained quite a few tricky bugs (including some that really should have been exposed during Milestone 2). All of them can be seen in the new tests added during this development period.
FR1: Should be able to connect to other users
- Largely handled by
- Largely handled by
FR2: Should be able to calculate processes that are subscribed to an operation
- This works! Can be seen in the recommended network protocol
FR3: Should send new operations to processes on the same fork
- This works! Can be seen in the recommended network protocol
FR4: Should not send new operations to processes not on the same fork
- This works! Can be seen in the recommended network protocol
NFR1: Should have a complete test suite for the CRDTree Protocol Library
- A reasonable test suite can be seen in the network package
The functional requirements of this milestone can be evaluated by running yarn test
in the network directory
To run the tests
yarn install
to gather dependencies -
yarn test
to invoke the tests