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List of commits on branch master.

Update README with uniq and implicit return logs

jjabacchetta committed 4 years ago

Add uniq and implicit return logs

jjabacchetta committed 4 years ago

Move final tabstops for improved IntelliSense

jjabacchetta committed 5 years ago

Update console log snippets

jjabacchetta committed 5 years ago

Update VSCode course information on README

jjabacchetta committed 5 years ago

Add VSCode course information to README

jjabacchetta committed 5 years ago


The README file for this repository.

JavaScript Snippets (VSCode Extension)

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JavaScript Snippets is a collection of JavaScript code snippets that allow for ⚡ supercharged ⚡ auto-completions in VSCode.


  • Modern JavaScript with features from ES10+.
  • Strategically-ordered tabstops that take full advantage of IntelliSense.
  • Placeholders only added where they a) represent required values and b) do not interfere with navigation or IntelliSense.
  • Prefixes created with exact-match in mind, so that snippets do not need to be placed at the top of the suggestion list via modified VSCode settings (which would cause them to hide more relevant suggestions in some scenarios).
  • Snippets are interchangeable and versatile, as opposed to monolithic, in order to prevent snippet pollution.
  • Avoids adding syntax that is best added manually (when it disrupts navigation or Intellisense).
  • Includes snippets for commonly-needed utilities, which can be useful when experimenting in a scratch file or when working on small projects where you don't intend to import a JavaScript utility library (e.g. Lodash).
  • Includes snippets for advanced console logs that are colorized, grouped, and edge-case-resistant.


These snippets follow the Airbnb style guide, valuing code safety, clarity, and low maintenance above all else. Brevity is preferred, but only when it does not negate the aforementioned objectives.

Not a fan of Airbnb's style guide? No problem, you can still use these snippets along with Prettier to have your code automatically formatted with your preferences.

Removing Snippets

To disable VSCode's built-in JavaScript snippets (which are lacking and — when combined with this snippet pack — redundant), use the Control Snippets extension.

Recommended Settings


  // Allows for tab completion of snippets even when quick suggestion list is not displayed.
  "editor.tabCompletion": "onlySnippets",

  "[javascript]": {
    // Keyword completions aren't that useful by themselves, and they appear above more useful
    // snippets when `editor.snippetSuggestions` is not set to `top`.
    "editor.suggest.filteredTypes": {
      "keyword": false,

Other Relevant Settings

  // // Obviously makes snippets easier to find and select, but pushes more-relevant suggestions down
  // // the list in some scenarios. Leaving this set to the default of `inline` will still almost
  // // always result in snippets being at the top when you expect them to (assuming there aren't
  // // other completions with the same exact-match as the snippet prefix).
  // "editor.snippetSuggestions": "top",

  // // By default, when in an active snippet, quick suggestions do not automatically appear. Instead,
  // // you're required to manually trigger IntelliSense. Enabling the following setting will allow
  // // suggestions to automatically appear, but it will also make navigating through tabstops
  // // inconvenient (you'll need to accept a suggestion or close the list before moving to the next
  // // tabstop). An alternate solution is to change the keybinding for `jumpToNextSnippetPlaceholder`,
  // // so that you're not using tab to simultaneously navigate through both suggestions and tabstops
  // "editor.suggest.snippetsPreventQuickSuggestions": false,

Included Snippets


Prefix Title Description
am arrayMerge Shallow-copy a single array (clone) or multiple arrays (merge) to a new array literal via the spread operator.
range range An array containing a sequence of numbers from 0 up to, but not including, length.
uniq uniq Creates a duplicate-free version of an array.
foreach forEach Array.prototype.forEach() method.
map map method.
reduce reduce Array.prototype.reduce() method.
reduceright reduceRight Array.prototype.reduceRight() method.
filter filter Array.prototype.filter() method.
find find Array.prototype.find() method.
findindex findIndex Array.prototype.findIndex() method.
some some Array.prototype.some() method.
every every Array.prototype.every() method.
flatmap flatMap Array.prototype.flatMap() method.


Prefix Title Description
ca constAssignment Const assignment.
la letAssignment Let assignment.
cad constAssignmentDestructuring Const object destructuring assignment.
lad letAssignmentDestructuring Let object destructuring assignment.


Prefix Title Description
cs class Class exported as default and named after the file (if file is not named index, in which case the class is named after the parent folder).
cse classExtends Subclass exported as default and named after the file (if file is not named index, in which case the class is named after the parent folder).
ctr constructor Class constructor.
met method Class method.


Prefix Title Description
if if If statement.
el else Else statement.
ei elseIf Else-if statement.
ter ternary Ternary operator.
switch switch Switch statement.
case case Case clause.


Prefix Title Description
cl consoleLog Console log.
ce consoleError Console error.
cw consoleWarn Console warn.
clc consoleLogClipboard Console log the value you have copied to your clipboard, inside of an object (for an automatic label).
clm consoleLogMessage Console log a message.
clo consoleLogObject Console log an object, in which variables can be inserted (for automatic labels).
clr consoleLogReturn Console log. Appended by the logical OR operator (for convenient logging in front of an arrow function's implicit return value).
clmr consoleLogMessageReturn Console log message. Appended by the logical OR operator (for convenient logging in front of an arrow function's implicit return value).
clor consoleLogObjectReturn Console log an object, in which variables can be inserted (for automatic labels). Appended by the logical OR operator (for convenient logging in front of an arrow function's implicit return value).
clg consoleLogGroup Console log, wrapped in a formatted and styled console group.
cla consoleLogAnalysis Console log an object, in which variables can be inserted. Includes value, type, count, and trace for all values. Includes log-time value and table for objects. Wrapped in a formatted and styled console group.


Prefix Title Description
tc tryCatch Try-catch statement.
tcf tryCatchFinally Try-catch-finally statement.
tf tryFinally Try-finally statement.
te throwError Throw error object exception.


Prefix Title Description
function function Named function declaration.
af arrowFunction Anonymous arrow function expression.


Prefix Title Description
jp jsonParse JSON.parse() method.
js jsonStringify JSON.stringify() method.


Prefix Title Description
dowhile doWhile Do-while loop.
while while While loop.
for for For loop.
forin forIn For-in loop.
forof forOf For-of loop.


Prefix Title Description
use useStrict Use strict statement.


Prefix Title Description
imp import Import module.
expd exportDefault Default export.
exp export Named export.


Prefix Title Description
om objectMerge Shallow-copy a single object (clone) or multiple objects (merge) to a new object literal via the spread operator. Similar to the Object.assign() method, but has the added benefit of not allowing for shallow mutations.
oe objectEntries Object.entries() method.
ofe objectFromEntries Object.fromEntries() method.
ok objectKeys Object.keys() method.
ov objectValues Object.values() method.


Prefix Title Description
ret return Return statement.
retm returnMultiline Return statement for multiline expression that includes complex values (e.g. JSX).


Prefix Title Description
st setTimeout setTimeout() method.
si setInterval setInterval() method.


Prefix Title Description
to typeof typeof operator.
io instanceof instanceof operator.
aia arrayIsArray Array.isArray() method.
isplainobject isPlainObject Check if value is a plain object.
isnil isNil Check if value is null or undefined.