vlt-watch watches a local folder for changes as you work, automatically adding and removing files from a remote JCR so you don't have to think about it.
This is a lightweight alternative to Brackets for AEM development.
From an AEM quickstart package
From the JackRabbit FileVault project
With Homebrew on Mac
brew install vault-cli
See Hombrew Documentation
Make sure it's accessible on the command line.
# which vlt
(Install Node.js first if you haven't already)
# npm install -g vlt-watch
From your jcr_root
folder, run the vlt-watch tool.
Watch the filesystem for changes and sync them with the remote JCR.
Usage: vlt-watch.js
-h, --host Remote host [default: "http://localhost:4502"]
-u, --username Username [default: "admin"]
-p, --password Password [default: "admin"]
-r, --jcr_root The path to your jcr_root folder [default: "."]
-c, --clean Clean up .vlt files on exit [boolean]
-f, --filter The path to your META-INF/vault/filter.xml file. [default: ""]
-H, --help Print usage and quit.