_____ ______ _ _ _____
/ __ \| ___ \ | | | |_ _|
| / \/| |_/ / | | | | | ___ _ __ ___ _ __
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___ _ _
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/ /_\ \_ __ __ _| |_ _ ___ _ ___
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| | | | | | | (_| | | |_| \__ \ \__ \
\_| |_/_| |_|\__,_|_|\__, |___/_|___/
__/ |
Jay Speidell
Langauge: Python 3
Documentation is in docs/ (numpy style)
Unit tests are in tests/
Sample input data is in data/
Results are written to files in output/
This program solves the problem of interpolating or approximating a timeline of CPU temperatures. It uses three strategies:
- Linear Piecewise Interpolation: This allows us to reasonably approximate values in between time steps. One piecewise function is generated for each time step.
- Linear Least Squares: This creates a generalized function to approximate the CPU temperature as a function of time. But since CPU temperature is based on CPU activity rather than time, I believe that as more time steps are added this function will converge to a horizontal line intercepting the y axis at the average temperature value.
- Cubic Spline: Another piecewise strategy, this time drawing bezier curves between points.
Run unit tests:
python -m pytest
Run program
python main.py { path to data file } { data labels : yes/no }
python main.py data/sensors-2018.12.26.txt yes