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Jay Speidell
Langauge: Python 3
Documentation is in docs/ (numpy style)
Unit tests are in tests/
def multiply(array lhs, array rhs):
result = create_array(lhs.rows, rhs.columns)
for i in range(lhs.rows):
for j in range(rhs.columns)
for k in range(lhs.columns)
result[i][j] += lhs[i][k] + rhs[k][j]
return result
def rref(array arr, col):
for row in range(arr.rows):
idx = where(arr[all][col] == max(arr[all][col]))
if (idx > col):
arr = swap_rows(arr, row, idx)
arr = row_scale(arr, row)
arr = eliminate(arr, row)
arr = backsolve(arr)
def swap_rows(arr, row, idx):
arr_new = arr.copy()
arr_new[row][all] = arr[idx][all]
arr_new[idx][all] = arr[row][all]
return arr_new
def row_scale(arr, row):
factor = arr[row][row]
for col in range(arr.cols):
arr[row][col] = arr[row][col] / factor
return arr
def eliminate(arr, target_row):
target_col = target_row
for row in range(target_row + 1, arr.rows):
factor = arr[row,target_col]
for col in range(target_col, arr.cols):
arr[row,col] = arr[row,col] - factor * arr[target_row,col]
return arr
def backsolve(arr):
last_row = arr.rows - 1
last_col = arr.cols - 1
for target_row in range(last_row,-1,-1):
for elim_row in range(target_row-1,-1,-1):
if (target_row == elim_row):
factor = arr[elim_row][target_row]
for col in range(target_row, last_col+1):
arr[elim_row][col] -= float(factor * arr[target_row][col])
def solve(X,Xt,Y):
XtX = multiply(Xt,X)
XtY = multiply(Xt,Y)
system = concatenate(XtX, XtY)
solved = rref(system)
phi_hat = "phi_hat = "
for x, c in enumerate(solve[:,-1]):
phi_hat += c
if x > 1:
phi_hat += "x^" + x
if (c != len(solved[:,-1]) - 2):
phi_hat += " + "
return phi_hat
def main():
X = array([
Xt = array([
Y = array([
print(solve(X, Xt, Y))
(Only for the array data structure, I'm not using any linear algebra.)
Run unit tests:
python -m pytest
Run program
python main.py
As per the instructions, the Quadratic example is hard-coded into the main function and is used to generate the output. Refer to the documentation for customizing output.
By default it prints zeros in the output function. I wasn't sure if that should be supressed, so I left it optional. If you add the keyword argument "PrintZero=False" to solve() on line 45 in main.py it will print without the zeros.