a list of links to help you make various important architectural decisions
- A Comprehensive Guide to Building a Scalable Web App on Amazon Web Services - Gives a great introduction to the roles of the various layers in web applications. Focuses on AWS, but most of the concepts generalize easy to open source technologies
The Architecture of Open Source Applications - Explains the architecture of various high-profile open source technologies including load balancers, web servers, message queues, continuous integration, configuration management, and many more
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- Web Servers vs. App Servers in Ruby; Performance Characteristics of Different Server Architectures - Apache vs. Nginx, Apache vs. Passenger, Unicorn vs. Puma, threaded vs. forked, evented vs. non-evented; this StackOverflow answer has lots of great detail answering these questions
- Scaling Ruby Apps to 1000 Requests per Minute - A nice overview of various application server choices in the Ruby landscape
- SOA Choices in Ruby - Pros and cons of various choices you'll need to make when building a SOA
- Microservices vs. Service-Oriented Architecture - Short ebook on the differences between SOA, microservices, and monoliths
- Designing Data-Intensive Applications - NoSQL is all the buzz. This book does a good job of explaining the design tradeoffs and feature differences between different database technologies to try and help you pick the right one for your application
- Explain topics like high availability
- Security
- HTTPS/SSL, private networks
- CI
- Backup & disaster recovery
- Deployment, config management
- Logging
- Monitoring and alerting