Welcome to SugarTown!
This is a blog engine written in NancyFX that allows you to write blog posts and then exposes the contents via an API to allow you to incorporate a blog into an existing website.
Why SugarTown?
NancyFX gets its name from the Ruby web framework Sinatra (Nancy was the daughter of Frank) so I thought I'd use this type of name formatting to select a name for this project. I thought I would choose one of Nancy Sinatra's best known recordings* and out of the options, I chose the first (you might think I should have chosen the second) plus SugarTown sounds good for a piece of software!
Basic Usage
Visit mydomain.com/SugarTown/posts/page/1 to add, view, update and delete blog posts
In your website use the API to access the blog posts
public Post GetPost(string title, string url)
var client = new RestClient(url);
var request = new RestRequest("SugarTown/Posts/" + title, Method.GET);
request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json");
var model = client.Execute<Post>(request).Data;
return model;
Please check out the demo projects to see how to integrate SugarTown into your website
* Sugar Town & Something Stupid