Enchantment is an bleeding edge MMORPG game engine.
RetroQuest is an attempt to rebuild the magic of EverQuest with the web technologies of today.
- Activity logging
- Zone#attackers should be an IdSet. IdSet should probably support some underscore methods
- Rename world in the tests to just w
- Spell modifiers (Spirit of Wolf-esque spell, Invincibility, Debuffs)
- Inventory
- Worn item stat modifiers
- Ability to cast spells to do damage.
- Use a spell modifier to remove all randomness for easier testing
- Rolling for damage
- Initialization of game within the network server
- Levels
- Respawning of mobs
- Experience
- Stats-based damage
- Re-integration of physics changes
- Deploy to Heroku
- Spells (duration-based actions, not tick-based)
- UI (HP, mana, stamina chat, buffs, spell slots)
- Can loot items from dead mob.
- Chat system (Jabber?!)
- Zoning
- Dying and going back to zone point
- Pathfinding
- Mob animations
- UI
- Character / Account creation
- Better content
- Map editor for defining mob patrols, fear lines, etc
- 3D world
- Realtime networking