A simple note taking app
You should have been granted access to the Supabase project. That is where all the configuration occurs. To access the backend, simply visit Supabase and select the project
The .env.local should have also been provided. With that simple type pnpm dev
Install Required Dependencies (Mac Instructions)
brew upgrade
## Node
brew install node
## Package Manager (Pick your preferred option)
### Option 1
brew install pnpm
### Option 2
npm i -G pnpm
## Editor (Optional)
brew install cask visual-studio-code
## The following is for Local Development.
## You can ignore for now, Supabase CLI needs some work to reconcile the platform with local.
### Supabase CLI
brew install supabase/tap/supabase
### Docker Desktop
#### Option 1 (Recommended) Download and install from link below
#### https://docs.docker.com/desktop/install/mac-install/
#### Option 2 Brew Cask, Should download the same file,
#### but you want to update with the App itself, so its
#### kinda pointless having brew install imho.
brew install --cask docker
#### Option 3 ... Don't do this unless you know what you
#### are getting into lol.
brew install docker