Just an Xcode project that I use in my workflow in editing openFrameworks projects on the Raspberry Pi. This will not compile the project. I use the Terminal and SSH to compile and run. This is just a cheap way of getting autocompletion
To use
On the Raspberry PI:
Download openFrameworks and put in /home/pi/openFrameworks
Set up Samba(SMB) sharing according to these instructions
Mount the Raspberry Pi over SMB
Finder->Connect to Server->smb://raspberrypi.local
Open up Xcode and edit :)
I often add my own project's source code by creating groups and dragging the src folders over from the Finder. Unchecking "add to target" seems to make it faster.
If you have already setup openFrameworks elsewhere you can edit the path here https://github.com/jvcleave/openFrameworksRPiWorkspace/blob/master/openFrameworksRPi.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj#L200