MiniRel is a simplified single-user relational database system for Database System course, Spring 2020, Seoul National University. It is implemented in C.
MiniRel is composed of five layers: the buffer pool (BF) layer, the paged file (PF) layer, the heap file (HF) layer, the access method (AM) layer, and the front-end (FE) layer. The BF layer is the lowest in the layered architencture of MiniRel.
DDL, DML, Query (libfe.a ) |
Heap File (libhf.a ) |
Access Method (libam.a ) |
Paged File (libpf.a ) |
Buffer Manger (libbf.a ) |
- Part I (the BF layer) and Part II (the PF layer) : the implementation of code to manage a buffer pool and to manipulate files that contain a sequence of pages, respectively.
- Part III (the HF layer) : the implementation of heap file management to provide the abstraction of random and sequential access to fixed-length records stored in files.
- Part IV (the AM layer) : the implementation of B+-tree index structure to speed up associative access to records.
- Part V (the FE layer) : the implementation of data definition language (DDL), data manipulation language (DML), and query language as well as catalog management
make clean
This will generate five function libraries: libbf.a
, libpf.a
, libhf.a
, libam.a
and libfe.a
To test each library,
make clean
make XXtest