Player complaining about losing items when server suddenly stops?
This skript can make a countdown and let all players informed before you stop or restart the server.
Skript Version: 1.0.0
Required Skript Version: Skript 2.5.2
File Type: SK
Main Command: /stopserver aliases: /sstop
/stop | /restart | /sstop Stops the server with countdowns
/sstop Stops the server immediately if countdown has started
/sstop cancel Cancel the server-stopping countdown
/sstop set Set the countdown before stopping the server
stopserver.stop Permission to use the main command
Unable to download? Try downloading the entire repository.
- Powered by Skript.
- Since the skript is only tested in the correspond Skript version, it may not work properly in other versions.
- Installation: Drag the .sk file into the path "plugins/Skript/scipts" and use command "/sk reload StopServer".