SPYR - special magic yelling room
cd spyr-presence; node index.js &; cd ..;
cd spyr-sounder; node index.js &; cd ..;
cd spyr-io; node index.js &; cd ..;
cd spyr-web; node index.js &; cd..;
Pay attention to the NODE_ENV and SPYR_IO_URL environment variables.
Inspired by weplay.io
equivalent to the main weplay
equivalent to weplay-web
equivalent to weplay's emulator
clients press a button and record a sound of fixed length (0.25 - 0.5 seconds probably). That sounds is then sent over socket.io to spyr-audio, which adds all the sounds it gets in a fixed (0.1 - 0.2 second) time, and then broadcasts the combined sound as one buffer to all clients. Clients constantly play sounds like frames of the emulator. profit.