Tiny CSS vendor prefixer and property alias mapper for runtime styling solutions.
Install the library with a package manager, e.g. npm:
npm install style-vendorizer
After that, import transformer functions on demand. A recommended starting point is shown below:
import {
} from "style-vendorizer";
function styleDeclaration(property, value) {
let cssText = "";
/* Resolve aliases, e.g. `gap` -> `grid-gap` */
const propertyAlias = cssPropertyAlias(property);
if (propertyAlias) cssText += `${propertyAlias}:${value};`;
/* Prefix properties, e.g. `backdrop-filter` -> `-webkit-backdrop-filter` */
const propertyFlags = cssPropertyPrefixFlags(property);
if (propertyFlags & 0b001) cssText += `-webkit-${property}:${value};`;
if (propertyFlags & 0b010) cssText += `-moz-${property}:${value};`;
if (propertyFlags & 0b100) cssText += `-ms-${property}:${value};`;
/* Prefix values, e.g. `position: "sticky"` -> `position: "-webkit-sticky"` */
/* Notice that flags don't overlap and property prefixing isn't needed here */
const valueFlags = cssValuePrefixFlags(property, value);
if (valueFlags & 0b001) cssText += `${property}:-webkit-${value};`;
else if (valueFlags & 0b010) cssText += `${property}:-moz-${value};`;
else if (valueFlags & 0b100) cssText += `${property}:-ms-${value};`;
/* Include the standardized declaration last */
/* https://css-tricks.com/ordering-css3-properties/ */
cssText += `${property}:${value};`;
return cssText;
Prefix flags may be defined in TypeScript without any overhead as follows:
const enum CSSPrefixFlags {
"-webkit-" = 1 << 0, // 0b001
"-moz-" = 1 << 1, // 0b010
"-ms-" = 1 << 2, // 0b100
/* Magic numbers from the previous snippet should be replaced like below: */
if (flags & CSSPrefixFlags["-webkit-"]) cssText += "...";
if (flags & CSSPrefixFlags["-moz-"]) cssText += "...";
if (flags & CSSPrefixFlags["-ms-"]) cssText += "...";
Every browser in the default Browserslist configuration is supported and tested against:
- Baidu Browser for Android 7.12+
- Chrome 57+
- Edge 16+
- Firefox 48+
- Internet Explorer 11
- KaiOS Browser 2.5+
- Opera 46+
- Safari 12.2+
- Samsung Internet Browser 11.1+
- QQ Browser for Android 10.4+
- UC Browser for Android 12.12+
Function values are only prefixed for longhand properties. This guarantees that only the start of each value is compared, for efficiency:
// Prints "1 0" console.log( cssPropertyPrefixFlags( "background-image", // Longhand "image-set('example.png' 1x, 'example-2x.png' 2x)", // Prefixed ), cssPropertyPrefixFlags( "background", // Shorthand "image-set('example.png' 1x, 'example-2x.png' 2x)", // Not prefixed ), );
CSS Grid works in IE 11 only when using the following longhand properties:
(along withgrid-row-end
for cross-browser compatibility) -
functions are not prefixed, due to the lack of standard implementations. -
Selectors are not yet supported.
This project was heavily inspired by tiny-css-prefixer. Test vectors are obtained from @mdn/browser-compat-data.