The presentation is actually an sbt build which extracts all Scala source code from the slides and runs tests with them!
This way I am 100% sure that the presented material both compiles and passes tests :-) Like the idea? Check out the sources on:
Here's an example of a run of the sbt build. You just type: scalaslide:gen [options for landslide]
and here's what you get:
Here's a quick feature list of what scalaslide can do for you:
- generated test code for each of !scala code blocks in your file. I'm using ScalaTest, but you can use any framework you want.
- the tests are then run and the presentation will not be generated until all tests pass. Test Driven Presentation Development!
- it works with sbt's awesome ~ feature, also known as "watch resources". So it will automatically recompile and run tests (and generate the presentation if they pass) each time the file changes! This allows to have a great flow while building the presentation on one display, and watching it "generated" on another.
- it uses google's landslide to generate the presentation, so it's nicely browsable from your browser.
- landslide can also generate a pdf version of the slides if needed - for handouts for example
You will need:
Was prepared and given by me at AGH - University of Science and Technology Kraków in May 2012. It's under Creative Commons BY, and there's a video online of the talk (although in polish):
ScalaSlide was mentioned in the "Markdown" book published by Tim Steinbach, describing the many many uses of markdown. You can get a copy here if you're into this kind of reads.
Just make sure you notice me ( or my blog; somewhere if you use this ;-) I'll copy paste a detailed license later...