Gadgeteer simplifies OpenSocial Gadget development by giving you helpers you can use in your Rails application to verify Signed Requests and access OpenSocial data.
= Requirements
Gadgeteer requires the {oauth gem}[] (0.2.7+).
Note: the current version of the oauth gem doesn't comply completely with the OAuth standard, and also doesn't work with Rails 2.3. You can use {lackac's fork}[], until the fixes are merged in.
= Usage
You can configure the secrets and public keys used by your application two ways.
For consumer secrets you can put your consumer key/secret pairs into config/oauth_secrets.yml:
key: secret
or you could setup those in your ApplicationController:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
oauth_secrets['key'] = 'secret'
For public keys you can put the certificates into config/certs with .cert extension, or you could setup the public keys in your ApplicationController by creating a OpenSSL::PKey::RSA object and adding it to the public_keys hash:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
public_keys[''] =
You can use the verify_signature method as a before_filter in your controllers to make sure the signed requests are correct:
class SecretNotesController < ActionController::Base
before_filter :verify_signature
The correct secret or public key will be used for verification based on the current request. If the xoauth_signature_publickey parameter is set, the corresponding public key will be used. Otherwise the consumer secret connected to the key found in the oauth_consumer_key parameter will be used. The singature will be verified based on this key/secret pair and the singature method set in the parameters.
If there are OpenSocial related request parameters, you can access them with the open_social method:
def index @secret_notes = SecretNote.find_by_profile_id(open_social[:viewer_id]) end
Copyright (c) 2009 László Bácsi, released under the MIT license