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List of commits on branch master.

Minor doc tweaks.

llarryhastings committed a year ago

Doc touch-ups.

llarryhastings committed a year ago

Tiny doc touchup.

llarryhastings committed a year ago

Fixed the test_driver so it passes again.

llarryhastings committed a year ago

Big doc update.

llarryhastings committed a year ago

Whoops! Lotsa bug fixes for loading persistent state.

llarryhastings committed a year ago


The README file for this repository.


A toy Raft implementation by Eric V. Smith and Larry Hastings


Drafty is a toy implementation of Raft, written as coursework for a class on the Raft algorithm. We made it open source so everybody can read it, but we don't expect it to actually be useful, except as perhaps example code for other students, or as a metaphorical signpost on the road to perdition.


  • Uses asyncio.

  • Raft implementation has only high-level sans-I/O interfaces; all interactions with the local platform go through an abstracted platform driver.

  • Single-threaded.

  • Implements a simple key-value store.

  • Implements the following Raft features:

    • Elections.
    • Heartbeats.
    • Log replication.
    • Log serialization / deserialization.
    • Repeated client requests are not committed twice.


  • Minimal test suite.
  • Custom RPC protocol (see

Not implemented (yet?):

  • Snapshotting.

Running drafty yourself

Here's the best way to play with drafty.

  • Install all the dependencies: python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Open four terminal / command windows. The first three are going to run three servers, the fourth will be your client.
  • In the first one run: python3 0
  • In the second one run: python3 1
  • In the third one run: python3 2
  • At this point your three servers should be running, and one of the servers should have become elected Leader. If you ran them in order, the leader will be node 0. Now, in the fourth one run: python3 0 putrnd

Run client requests in the fourth window as often as you like. You can kill and restart any of the servers as often as you like, and as long as two are running your Raft service should continue to work.


drafty was implemented in a modular way. There are strictly defined subsystems in drafty, and during its development we kept the code honest about where functionality should live. This had only minor downsides; for such a small project, it has a surprising amount of architecture. But we felt this lent structure to the project, and we always knew both where code should live in the project, as well as where the fault would lie when there was a mysterious bug.

The Abstracted Server

Here's an awkward ASCII-art diagram of drafty's subsystems.

| Application |
      |   +-----------+
      |   |    Log    |
      |   +-----------+
      |         ^
      |         |
+-------------------+                      +----------------+
|                   |<-----RPC calls/      |                |
|      Server       |      responses,      |     Driver     |
|                   |      timers,         |                |
|                   |      file access---->|                |
+-------------------+                      +----------------+
         |                                          |
         v                                          v
    +-----------+ (Leader,                       Platform
    |   State   |  Candidate,                     |    |
    +-----------+  Follower)                      v    |
         |                                     Network |
         v                                             v
    +-----------+                                  Filesystem
    |WaitingRoom|  (Leader state only)

For now let's just consider two modules: the Server and the Driver. The Server, and its subsidiary modules (Log, State, Leader, Candidate, Follower, and WaitingRoom) implement the Raft protocol and server-side logic. The Driver handles all interaction with the local platform: it contains the "main" function for the project. When you start a drafty instance, you start a Driver, and the Driver starts the Server.

The most important detail about this design: the Server never directly talks to the local platform. It's a conceptually "pure" system. It doesn't directly talk to network sockets or files; it doesn't have any concept of time. The Driver virtualizes all that functionality; all network traffic, filesystem access, and time functions the Server uses are provided by the Driver. To differentiate this Server module from other things one might call "the server"--the project as a whole, a running server process--we called this "the abstracted server".

Not only does this mean the Driver can choose whatever implementation strategy it likes--our main Driver uses asyncio, but it could just as easily use threads or Twisted or Trio--it makes testing much easier. All state originates from the Driver, so it's no work at all to use mock objects for network requests, timer events, and even the state of the Raft log.


The Application is what the Raft paper calls the "state machine". This is the actual application that the Raft server architecture proposes to make high-reliability. In our case it's a simple toy key/value store.

State, Leader, Candidate, Follower

Network-handling code is best implemented as a state machine, and Raft is no exception. Most of the actual Raft algorithm is implemented in three state classes: Follower, Candidate, and Leader. These all inherit from a State base class; the current state of the Server is stored in Server.state.

When a network message arrives, the Driver sends it to the Server, and the Server dispatches it to the current State. So, if the node receives a Raft "AppendEntries" request, the code that handles it is the on_append_entries_request function in the current State (Follower, Candidate, Leader). All incoming network requests and responses are handled in this way.

drafty uses 'StateManager' from Larry's big library to manage the state. Originally we used a local precursor of this library called interstate; this was removed in favor of the cleaned-up version that went into big, but you might still see it if you examine older revisions. (interstate and big.state work almost identically, differing only in details that are irrelevant to drafty.)


One of the more complicated aspects of implementing Raft has to do with maintaining multiple simultaneous client requests. Unless you rate-limit the Leader sending out AppendEntries requests (which drafty currently does not), you can easily have multiple AppendEntries requests simultaneously in process. The WaitingRoom class helps manage all this state.

A WaitingRoom represents one round of AppendEntries requests. Whenever the Leader wants to commit new entries to the Log, it needs to send out an AppendEntries request to each of its Followers, and only commit the entries when more than 50% of the Followers have responded with success.

In the final analysis WaitingRoom is probably overkill for the problem we were solving. But we were worried about the complexity of Raft, so we erred on the side of too much architecture instead of not enough. The WaitingRoom approach worked great, and it was easy to modify as we understood the algorithm better and adjusted our implementation to match.

The downside of this approach

The downside of drafty's architecture-heavy approach is that you can lose track of "where you are". In there are three possible subsystems you might be coding on at any particular time: the Server, the State, and the WaitingRoom. If you need to refer to another subsystem, e.g. the Log, each of these must follow a different dotted path to that object. For example, a method on the WaitingRoom would refer to the Log object via self.state.server.log, wheras the Server object could find it with just self.log. If you're shuffling code from one area to another, and it happens to be between subsystems and you don't notice, now you have an AttributeError waiting to happen. Combine this with the fact that our asyncio design likes to hide exceptions and you have a constant stumbling block during development.

The "luid"

One design choice that we felt turned out well was something we called a "luid". A "GUID" is a Globally Unique IDentifier; naturally, a "luid" is a Locally Unique IDentifier. LUIDs are names associated with data coming from or going out over the network. They're allocated locally, and are only guaranteed to be unique on the node where they were allocated. Thus, if you send a luid to another server, e.g. as metadata as part of a request, the other server probably shouldn't use that luid as a key in a dictionary, as it's not guaranteed to be unique in their namespace. If you get a luid as part of a network message, you should include it as part of your response, and otherwise you shouldn't do anything with it.

One aspect of our design is that the various server nodes don't maintain permanent open connections to each other. If node 1 sends an AppendEntries request to node 2, it opens a socket to node 2, dumps the bytes down the socket, and closes the connection. When node 2 wants to send its response, it opens a new socket to node 1, dumps the response bytes down that socket, and closes. In a conventional, state-ful keep-open-the-connection style of networked server design, you'd associate the request with the open socket. Since we can't do that, we needed to associate it with some other ID; the luid became that id.

Luids are used on both sides of a server-side RPC call. The sending server uses a luid as the transaction_id in the "envelope" containing the RPC call, which is returned as part of the response. And when a network message comes in off the wire from a remote server, the server assigns it its own luid, to track it locally.

Note that the "abstracted server" never deals with luids. All luids are assigned and managed in the driver.

It sounds a bit complicated but it really isn't. And actually it paid off in one really lovely way: internally we have a generator function that makes it easy to create an iterator that returns successive luid values, assembled from a readable text string and a monotonically increasing number. This was a boon during debugging; instead of a message associated with a conventional GUID--a meaningless string of 32 hex digits with some dashes--our "luids" communicated information about the object with which they were associated, like 'remote-request-5'.

One final note: the client uses real GUIDs, not luids, when making requests to the server. This was necessary to support the "repeated requests don't commit twice to the log" feature. To save space, these GUIDs are losslessly compressed, from 36 bytes to 16 bytes, by throwing away the dashes and merging each pair of hex characters into one byte.

Notes on indexing

Raft calls for 1-based indexing; that is, the first entry in an array is index 1. W instead use 0-based indexing for the log, like a Python array. We therefore use -1 as the magic value for "leaderCommittedIndex" when the log is empty.

The Raft choice of using 1-based indexing is a bit perplexing--did they initially write it in Pascal? Apart from changing to 0-indexing, we more or less adhered to sending values in messages in the spirit of what the Raft protocol requires. This required a certain amount of "adding 1 here" and "subtracting 1 there", which is confusing. Doing it this way felt more sane in the context of the weeklong class where we wrote this project, as we felt fidelity to what the Raft paper dictates would be less confusing overall. It's remotely possible we'll revisit this decision in the future, slightly altering our wire protocol so our logic can have fewer +1s and -1s for computing indices.

(In particular, we note that 1-based "the index of the most recent committed entry" is the same number as "the count of committed entries". So we could send the latter, and by happy coincidence it'd be the same number Raft wants us to send, and everybody's happy.)