A web app which based on a url given date-time visualizes the remaining time till that moment in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years.
It's good for launch dates, milestones, birthdays, anniversaries, you name it..
- /2014-01-01
- /2013-01-01-18:30
- /12:34
- /12:34/Final
- /2013-01-01/Happy New Year!
- /1955-10-28/Bill Gates
(All input times are in UTC)
hurry-app is based on gae-init so to run it locally you'll need to have installed Google App Engine for Python and node.js.
To run the app:
$ cd /path/to/hurry-app
$ ./run.py -s
To test it visit http://localhost:8080/
in your browser.
To watch for changes of your *.less
& *.coffee
files and compile them
automatically to *.css
& *.js
run in another bash:
$ ./run.py -w
To deploy the app on Google App Engine:
$ ./run.py -m
$ appcfg.py update main