=== PhotoSwipe === Contributors: louyx Tags: attachments, images, gallery, lightbox, fancybox, photoswipe Requires at least: 4.0 Tested up to: 4.1.1 Stable tag: License: GPLv2 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
PhotoSwipe javascript plugin for WordPress
== Description == This plugins adds the PhotoSwipe library to your WordPress blog seamlessly. No configuration Required.
== Installation ==
Just as any other plugin. Install from wp-admin
== Frequently Asked Questions == = It doesn't work with some of my photos, why? = The PhotoSwipe library requires some special markup to be applied on images. This markup is applied with this plugin as soon as the post is saved. So if it doesn't work on images in some old post try to save that post again. It should work.
== Screenshots ==
- PhotoSwipe Website
== Changelog == Same as the original PhotoSwipe. Except for the following.
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- Now showing WordPress captions when available.
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- Fixed another bug in multisite & KSES.
- Added jQuery as dependency.
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- Fixed a bug in multisite.