Axios plugin, utilizes the Range feature to split large files and initiate multiple concurrent Axios
requests to accelerate the download speed of large files.
English | 中文
npm i axios-multi-down
<script src=""></script>
import axiosBase from 'axios';
import AxiosMultiDown from 'axios-multi-down';
const axios = axiosBase.create({});
.then(result => {})
.catch(err => {});
.down('', {
method: 'get',
headers: { 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest' },
// ...AxiosRequestConfig
.then(result => {})
.catch(err => {});
url: '',
method: 'post',
data: {
firstName: 'Fred',
// ...AxiosRequestConfig
.then(result => {})
.catch(err => {});
AxiosMultiDown( axios )
AxiosMultiDown( axios [ , DownConfig ] ) // Global DownConfig
Manually retry the failed queue, typically used in conjunction with onFinishErr
AxiosMultiDown.RetryQueue(errQueue: IBlockData[], config: IDownConfig): void;
will retry all failed Blocks
on the instance, not the Blocks
in the errQueue. The errQueue represents Blocks
that will be prioritized for execution.
// e.g
await axios.down( url , {
maxRetries: 10,
errMode: AxiosMultiDown.const.ERROR_MODE.WAIT
onFinishErr(errorQueue, queue, downConfig) {
// The errorQueue contains all failed Blocks for this instance
// If we don't consider network fluctuations, the return times for each block are consistent.
// errorQueue = [ b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8]
// downConfig = { max:2 }
AxiosMultiDown.RetryQueue([b3,b4,b5,b6], downConfig);
// the retry sequence for RetryQueue will be [b3,b4, b5,b6, b1,b2,b7,b8].
DownConfig.testMethod = AxiosMultiDown.const.TEST_METHOD
Name | Description |
HEAD | |
DownConfig.errMode = AxiosMultiDown.const.ERROR_MODE
Name | Description |
RETURN | Immediate error returned, download aborted |
WAIT | Waiting for manual processing, can be manually retried in conjunction with onFinishErr |
axios.down( url )
axios.down( AxiosRequestConfig )
axios.down( url, AxiosRequestConfig )
axios.down( AxiosRequestConfig , DownConfig )
axios.down( url , AxiosRequestConfig, DownConfig )
defaultDownConfig => /src/const.ts
Name | Type | Default | Description | remark |
max | Number |
3 |
The maximum number of simultaneous downloads | *1 |
blockSize |
Number K B G T
10M |
The size of individual download blocks | unit byte
testMethod | TEST_METHOD |
HTTP method used to check if the server supports the Range header., self means AxiosRequestConfig.method
*2 If using self , please be aware of idempotence Idempotent
maxRetries | Number |
3 |
block down err, max retry down count | 重试将会在所有 block 下载完后进行 |
retryInterval | Number |
1000 |
block down err, retry interval | unit ms
errMode | ERROR_MODE |
How to handle when all block parts are fail downloaded | *3 If set to 'WAIT', you can manually retry through 'onFinishErr' |
$Hook | Function |
- | Similar to Event , e.g. on('data',fn) -> onData(fn), onceData(fn) |
`Hook 'is sync,' Event 'is async |
> Max will be overwritten, following these rules:
blockLength = Math.ceil( contentLength / blockSize );
max = max <= blockLength ? max : blockLength;
如 contentLength = 10 , max = 5, blockSize = 9;
max will be overwritten 2 -> [ 0-8 , 9-9 ]
The browser environment will enforce the use of the HEAD method because 'responseType === 'stream'' is not currently supported.
let retry = 0
const resp = await axios.down( url , {
maxRetries: 10,
errMode: AxiosMultiDown.const.ERROR_MODE.WAIT // important
onFinishErr(errorQueue, queue, downConfig) {
// This will download all blocks
// and retry each block 10 times.
// After that, manually retry 3 more times
while( retry++ < 3){
axiosMultiDown.RetryQueue(eQ, downConfig);
// If successful, you will receive resp, but if the download fails, you will never be here
interface IBlockData {
s: number; // block start position
e: number; // block end position
i: number; // block index
resp?: AxiosResponse; Uint8Array; // block data, in multi down, type is Uint8Array
axios.down(url).then(( resp: IAxiosDownResponse extends AxiosResponse )=>{})
resp = {
isMulti: boolean; // Is it downloaded through multiple requests?
queue: IBlockData[];
downConfig: IDownConfig;
The ...axiosResponse
portion will be overwritten twice
- in first completed
requests. - in last completed
requests, - other modify - resp.status = 200; - resp.statusText = 'OK'; - resp.headers['content-type'] = totalContentLength;
const emitter = new AxiosMultiDown.EventEmitter();
emitter.on('preDown', (queue: IBlockData[], config: IDownConfig) => void)
emitter.on('data', (block: IBlockData, queue: IBlockData[], config: IDownConfig) => void)
emitter.on('blockError', (block: IBlockData, queue: IBlockData[], config: IDownConfig) => void)
emitter.on('end', (queue: IBlockData[], config: IDownConfig) => void)
emitter.on('finishErr', (errQueue: IBlockData[], queue: IBlockData[], config: IDownConfig) => void)
axios.down( '/test', {} , { emitter } )
parameters are the same, but only executed once
If the resource doesn't support Range, it will automatically fallback to make 'axios.down === axios' and return the result
If you are accessing a cross-origin server, the server needs to include 'Content-Range' in the 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers' header; otherwise, the 'Content-Range' will not be included in the headers received by the client
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Expose-Headers', '$OtherHeaders, Content-Range');
npm run test
- [ ] Using
provides better performance.- It requires using
as theadapter
to make it compatible with browsers
- It requires using