This image may be used to run a container with KeyBox.
- 2.89.00 (latest)
The fastest command to run the container:
docker run -it -p 8443:8443 lucapalano/keybox:latest
8443 is the keybox default port. You should use it to connect to the keybox instance running into the container.
The fastest command to run it and assign a name:
docker run -it --name <name> -p 8443:8443 lucapalano/keybox
This will make persistent the keybox home directory with db, configuration, etc... (everything under /home/keybox/KeyBox-jetty/):
docker run -it --name keybox -p 8443:8443 -v /home/keybox/KeyBox-jetty/ lucapalano/keybox
/home/keybox/KeyBox-jetty/ is the path where keybox is installed and where your configuration, db and everything else will reside.
When starting the container, you may use the option -i if you want to be able to see the stdout, as follow:
docker start -i <name>
Luca Palano -
KeyBox is made by Sean Kavanagh.
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