This repository contains a set of scripts that collect some data about São Paulo city for future analysis. We use mongodb to store our date since we will collect a huge amount of data and in some point we will need to scale this.
- ruby and bundler:
$ apt install ruby bunler -qy
- mongodb:
$ apt install mongodb -qy
- scripts' dependencies:
$ bundle install --path vendor/
If you have any problem during the scripts' dependencies installation, probably your issue will be around the nokogiri's build dependencies. So install them too:
$ apt install libxml2 zlib1g-dev libpq-dev
- You need to create a database in your mongodb instace
- Login in mongodb admin shell:
$ mongo admin
- Create/use your database:
> use sp
- Login in mongodb admin shell:
If you use another name (not 'sp') in your database or your mongodb instance do not run locally you need to set these configuration in seetings.yml file.
- Weather:
$ bundle exec ruby weather.rb
- The weather collection is based on neighborhood file, if you want to add or remove some neighborhood you should edit this file and everything will work well
- Air quality:
$ bundle exec ruby air_quality.rb
- Citybike:
$ bundle exec ruby citybik.rb
If you want to run scripts from another directory you should execute something like these:
$ BUNDLE_GEMFILE=<path-to-project>/Gemfile bundle exec ruby <path-to-project>/weather.rb <path-to-project>/
$ BUNDLE_GEMFILE=<path-to-project>/Gemfile bundle exec ruby <path-to-project>/air_quality.rb <path-to-project>/
$ BUNDLE_GEMFILE=<path-to-project>/Gemfile bundle exec ruby <path-to-project>/citybik.rb <path-to-project>/
$ BUNDLE_GEMFILE=<path-to-project>/Gemfile bundle exec ruby <path-to-project>/olho_vivo.rb <path-to-project>/
To publish script's data in InterSCity platform, just:
- Configures
with your configuration (such as the ResourceAdaptor host) - Source
- Run scripts