= binfiles
The following are my personal bin files. I've setup the following folder structure inside my HOME:
C:\USERS\LUIS\TOOLS +---bin +---Git (symlinkd) +---Git-Versions | +---Git-1.6.3-preview20090507 | ---Git-1.6.4-preview20090729 +---Icons +---MinGW | +---gcc (symlinkd) | +---gcc-versions | | +---3.4.5 | | ---4.3.3 | +---msys (symlinkd) | ---msys-versions | ---1.0.11 +---MSVC | +---VC | | +---PSDK | | +---PSDK-preR2 | | +---VC2003 | | ---VC6 | ---WinSDK6 +---Ruby | +---ironruby-0.3.0 | +---jruby-1.3.0RC1 | +---ruby-1.8.6-p368-i386-mingw32 | ---ruby-1.9.1-p129-i386-mingw32 +---Svn (symlinkd) +---Svn-Versions | ---svn-win32-1.6.1 +---Unix | +---bin | +---contrib | +---etc | +---man | +---manifest | ---share +---Vim (symlinkd) ---Vim-Versions ---vim72
As you can see, that structure has helped me unpack tools that are not installed system wide but available to the running user.
This repository contains the scripts listed in Tools\bin
== Environment recommendations
Please set the following environment variables for your user (Use system preferences and advanced settings)
Under User variables, add the following variables with the values:
Note that altering PATH on a user level is not going to remove the system one, just append it to the end.
Also, add the symlink'd version of Git, Subversion or others you want available all the time, like mine:
To use symlinks refer to your Windows documentation (mklink under Windows 7)
== Multiple versions of Ruby
Right now this repository hold rb18, rb19 and jrb Been using those to set the proper Ruby under my environment, since by default I don't have any version setup (the most clean as possible).
These scripts are going to be deprecated thanks to the work of Gordon Thiesfeld on Pik[link:http://github.com/vertiginous/pik/tree/master]
== Development Kit
Due the lack of MinGW (GCC) development kit gem, my setup has one GCC and MinGW installation for all the Ruby versions that I have installed.
Feel free to replicate the layout or improve it.
What you see there is just a stub. I got sick of non-polite scripts that forces sudo execution and failed during installation or testing.
So, faked it, and also warned me when testing stuff if something nasty got executed.
== Installation
CD %HOME% MKDIR /P Tools git clone git://github.com/luislavena/binfiles.git Tools\bin