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List of commits on branch main.


llyonbot committed 6 months ago

feat: refactor `withDefer` with `fnQueue`

llyonbot committed 6 months ago

feat: fnQueue support async & reversing order

llyonbot committed 6 months ago

chore: docs

llyonbot committed 7 months ago


llyonbot committed 7 months ago

feat: makeEffect expose last value

llyonbot committed 7 months ago


The README file for this repository.


Some utils and remix that I repeated in many projects.

This package includes some light-weight alternatives to packages like:

our is alternative to / remix of
elt / clsx clsx, classnames, h, hyperscript
maybeAsync / makePromise / PromiseEx imperative-promise, bluebird
stringHash cyrb53, murmurhash ...
<some lodash-like functions> lodash

There are also some interesting original utils like shallowEqual / newFunction / toArray / getVariableName etc. Feel free to explore!


Play in CodeSandbox

All modules are shipped as ES modules and tree-shakable.

  • via package manager

    npm install yon-utils

  • via import within <script type="module">

    import { elt } from ""


module methods
dom writeClipboard / readClipboard / clsx / elt / modKey / startMouseMove
flow delay / debouncePromise / fnQueue / makeAsyncIterator / makeEffect / maybeAsync / makePromise / PromiseEx / PromisePendingError / timing / withDefer / withAsyncDefer
manager ModuleLoader / CircularDependencyError / getSearchMatcher
type is / shallowEqual / newFunction / noop / approx / isInsideRect / isRectEqual / getRectIntersection / toArray / find / reduce / head / contains / forEach / stringHash / getVariableName / bracket / isNil / isObject / isThenable

🧩 dom/clipboard


  • text: string

  • Returns: Promise<void>

write text to clipboard, with support for insecure context and legacy browser!

note: if you are in HTTPS and modern browser, you can directly use navigator.clipboard.writeText() instead.


  • timeout?: number β€” default 1500

  • Returns: Promise<string>

read clipboard text.

if user rejects or hesitates about the permission for too long, this will throw an Error.

🧩 dom/clsx


  • args: any[]

  • Returns: string

construct className strings conditionally.

can be an alternative to classnames(). modified from lukeed/clsx. to integrate with Tailwind VSCode, read this

🧩 dom/elt

elt(tagName, attrs, ...children)

  • tagName: string β€” for example "div" or ""

  • attrs: any β€” attribute values to be set. beware:

    • onClick and a function value, will be handled by addEventListener()
    • !onClick or onClick.capture will make it capture
    • style value could be a string or object
    • class value could be a string, object or array, and will be process by clsx()
    • className is alias of class
  • children: any[] β€” can be strings, numbers, nodes. other types or nils will be omitted.

  • Returns: HTMLElement

Make document.createElement easier

var button = elt(
  'button.myButton',   // tagName, optionally support .className and #id
    title: "a magic button",
    class: { isPrimary: }, // className will be processed by clsx
    onclick: () => alert('hi')
  'Click Me!'

This function can be used as a jsxFactory, aka JSX pragma. You can add /** @jsx elt */ into your code, then TypeScript / Babel will use elt to process JSX expressions:

/** @jsx elt */

var button = <button class="myButton" onclick={...}>Click Me</button>

🧩 dom/keyboard


  • ev: KeyboardEventLike

    • ctrlKey?: boolean

    • metaKey?: boolean

    • shiftKey?: boolean

    • altKey?: boolean

  • Returns: number

get Modifier Key status from a Event


  1. use modKey.Mod to indicate if the key is ⌘(Cmd) on Mac, or Ctrl on Windows/Linux
  2. use | (or operator) to combine modifier keys. see example below.


if (modKey(ev) === (modKey.Mod | modKey.Shift) && ev.code === 'KeyW') {
  // Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + W, depends on the OS

🧩 dom/mouseMove

startMouseMove({ initialEvent, onMove, onEnd })

  • __0: MouseMoveInitOptions

    • initialEvent: MouseEvent | PointerEvent

    • onMove?: (data: MouseMoveInfo) => void

    • onEnd?: (data: MouseMoveInfo) => void

  • Returns: Promise<MouseMoveInfo> β€” - the final position when user releases button

use this in mousedown or pointerdown

and it will keep tracking the cursor's movement, calling your onMove(...), until user releases the button.

(not support ❌ touchstart -- use βœ… pointerdown instead)


button.addEventListener('pointerdown', event => {
    initialEvent: event,
    onMove({ deltaX, deltaY }) { ... },
    onEnd({ deltaX, deltaY }) { ... },

🧩 flow/flow


  • milliseconds: number

  • Returns: Promise<void>


  • fn: () => Promise<T> β€” The function to be debounced.

  • Returns: () => Promise<T> β€” The debounced function.

Creates a debounced version of a function that returns a promise.

The returned function will ensure that only one Promise is created and executed at a time, even if the debounced function is called multiple times before last Promise gets finished.

All suppressed calls will get the last started Promise.

🧩 flow/fnQueue

fnQueue(async?, reversed?, error?)

  • async?: boolean β€” if true, all queued functions are treated as async, and we return a Promise in the end.

  • reversed?: boolean β€” if true, the order of execution is reversed (FILO, like a stack)

  • error?: "abort" | "throwLastError" | "ignore" β€” if met error, shall we 'abort' immediately, or 'throwLastError', or 'ignore' all errors

  • Returns: FnQueue<ARGS, void>

    • tap: Tap<ARGS> & { silent: Tap<ARGS>; } β€” add functions to queue. see example. use tap.silent(fns) to ignore errors

    • tapSilent: Tap<ARGS> β€” add functions to queue, but silently ignore their errors (identical to tap.silent)

    • call: (...args: ARGS) => RET β€” clear the queue, execute functions

    • queue: { silent?: boolean | undefined; fn: Fn<any, ARGS>; }[] β€” the queued functions


With fnQueue, you can implement a simple disposer to avoid resource leaking.

Order of execution: defaults to FIFO (first in, last run); set 1st argument to true to reverse the order (FILO)

Exceptions: queued functions shall NOT throw errors, otherwise successive calls will be aborted.

const dispose = fnQueue();
try {
  const srcFile = await openFile(path1);
  dispose.tap(() => srcFile.close());

  const dstFile = await openFile(path2);
  opDispose.tap(() => dstFile.close());

  await copyData(srcFile, dstFile);
} finally {
  // first call:
  dispose(); // close handles

  // second call:
  dispose(); // nothing happens -- the queue is emptied

🧩 flow/makeAsyncIterator


  • Returns: { write(value: T): void; end(error?: any): void; } & AsyncIterableIterator<T>

Help you convert a callback-style stream into an async iterator. Also works on "observable" value like RxJS.

You can think of this as a simplified new Readable({ ... }) without headache.


const iterator = makeAsyncIterator();

socket.on('data', value => iterator.write(value));
socket.on('end', () => iterator.end());
socket.on('error', (err) => iterator.end(err));

for await (const line of iterator) {

🧩 flow/makeEffect

makeEffect(fn, isEqual?)

  • fn: (input: T, previous: T | undefined) => void | (() => void)

  • isEqual?: (x: T, y: T) => boolean

  • Returns: { (input: T): void; cleanup(): void; readonly value: T | undefined; }

    • cleanup: () => void β€” invoke last cleanup function, and reset value to undefined

    • value?: NonNullable<T> β€” get last received value, or undefined if effect was clean up

Wrap fn and create an unary function. The actual fn() executes only when the argument changes.

Meanwhile, your fn may return a cleanup function, which will be invoked before new fn() calls -- just like React's useEffect

The new unary function also provide cleanup() method to forcedly do the cleanup, which will also clean the memory of last input.


const sayHi = makeEffect((name) => {
  console.log(`Hello, ${name}`);
  return () => {
    console.log(`Goodbye, ${name}`);

sayHi('Alice');  // output: Hello, Alice
sayHi('Alice');  // no output
sayHi('Bob');    // output: Goodbye, Alice   Hello, Bob
sayHi.cleanup(); // output: Goodbye, Bob
sayHi.cleanup(); // no output

🧩 flow/promise


  • input: T | Promise<T> | (() => T | Promise<T>) β€” your sync/async function to run, or just a value

  • Returns: PromiseEx<Awaited<T>> β€” a crafted Promise that exposes { status, value, reason }, whose status could be "pending" | "fulfilled" | "rejected"

    • status: "pending" | "fulfilled" | "rejected"

    • reason: any β€” if rejected, get the reason.

    • result?: NonNullable<T> β€” get result, or nothing if not fulfilled.

      note: you might need .value which follows fail-fast mentality

    • loading: boolean β€” equivalent to .status === "pending"

    • value?: NonNullable<T> β€” fail-fast mentality, safely get the result.

      • if pending, throw new PromisePendingError(this)
      • if rejected, throw .reason
      • if fulfilled, get .result
    • wait: (timeout: number) => Promise<T> β€” wait for resolved / rejected.

      optionally can set a timeout in milliseconds. if timeout, a PromisePendingError will be thrown

    • thenImmediately: <TResult1 = T, TResult2 = never>(onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | Nil, onrejected?: Nil | ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<...>)) => PromiseEx<...> β€” Like then() but immediately invoke callbacks, if this PromiseEx is already resolved / rejected.

Run the function, return a crafted Promise that exposes status, value and reason

If input is sync function, its result will be stored in promise.value and promise.status will immediately be set as "fulfilled"

Useful when you are not sure whether fn is async or not.


  • Returns: ImperativePromiseEx<T>

Create an imperative Promise.

Returns a Promise with these 2 methods exposed, so you can control its behavior:

  • .resolve(result)
  • .reject(error)

Besides, the returned Promise will expose these useful properties so you can get its status easily:

  • .wait([timeout]) β€” wait for result, if timeout set and exceeded, a PromisePendingError will be thrown
  • .status β€” could be "pending" | "fulfilled" | "rejected"
  • .result and .reason
  • .value β€” fail-safe get result (or cause an Error from rejection, or cause a PromisePendingError if still pending)


const handler = makePromise();

doSomeRequest(..., result => handler.resolve(result));

// wait with timeout
const result = await handler.wait(1000);

// or just await
const result = await handler;

new PromiseEx(executor)

  • executor: (resolve: (value: T | PromiseLike<T>) => void, reject: (reason?: any) => void) => void

a crafted Promise that exposes { status, value, reason }

Note: please use maybeAsync() or PromiseEx.resolve() to create a PromiseEx

πŸ“– show members of PromiseEx Β»

PromiseEx # status

  • Type: "pending" | "fulfilled" | "rejected"

PromiseEx # reason

  • Type: any

if rejected, get the reason.

PromiseEx # result

  • Type: T | undefined

get result, or nothing if not fulfilled.

note: you might need .value which follows fail-fast mentality

PromiseEx # loading

  • Type: boolean

equivalent to .status === "pending"

PromiseEx # value

  • Type: T | undefined

fail-fast mentality, safely get the result.

  • if pending, throw new PromisePendingError(this)
  • if rejected, throw .reason
  • if fulfilled, get .result

PromiseEx # wait(timeout)

  • timeout: number

  • Returns: Promise<T>

wait for resolved / rejected.

optionally can set a timeout in milliseconds. if timeout, a PromisePendingError will be thrown

PromiseEx # thenImmediately(onfulfilled?, onrejected?)

  • onfulfilled?: (value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>

  • onrejected?: (reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>

  • Returns: PromiseEx<TResult1 | TResult2>

Like then() but immediately invoke callbacks, if this PromiseEx is already resolved / rejected.

new PromisePendingError(cause)

  • cause: Promise<any>

Could be thrown from .value and .wait(timeout) of PromiseEx

πŸ“– show members of PromisePendingError Β»

PromisePendingError # cause

  • Type: Promise<any>

🧩 flow/timing

timing(output, promise)

  • output: string | Nil | PrintMethod β€” can be:

    • a (timeMs, sinceMs) => void
    • a string - print labelled result with timing.defaultPrint(), defaults to console.log
  • promise: T

  • Returns: T β€” result of fn()

Measures time of execution of executeFn(). Works on async function and Promise too.


const result = timing('read', () => {
  const data = fs.readFileSync('xxx');
  const decrypted = crypto.decrypt(data, key);
  return decrypt;

// get result
// meanwhile, console prints "[read] took 120ms"

Or with custom logger

const print = (ms) => console.log(`[timing] fetching took ${ms}ms`)

const result = await timing(print, async () => {
  const resp = await fetch('/user/xxx');
  const user = await resp.json();
  return user;

🧩 flow/withDefer


  • fn: (defer: Tap<[]> & { silent: Tap<[]>; }) => Ret

  • Returns: Ret

This is a wrapper of fnQueue, inspired by golang's defer keyword. You can add dispose callbacks to a stack, and they will be invoked in finally stage.

No more try catch finally hells!

For sync functions:

// sync
const result = withDefer((defer) => {
  const file = openFileSync('xxx')
  defer(() => closeFileSync(file))  // <- register callback

  const parser = createParser()
  defer(() => parser.dispose())  // <- register callback

  return parser.parse(file.readSync())

For async functions, use withAsyncDefer

// async
const result = await withAsyncDefer(async (defer) => {
  const file = await openFile('xxx')
  defer(async () => await closeFile(file))  // <- defer function can be async now!

  const parser = createParser()
  defer(() => parser.dispose())  // <-

  return parser.parse(await

If you want to suppress the callbacks' throwing, use defer.silent

defer.silent(() => closeFile(file))  // will never throws


Refer to TypeScript using syntax, TC39 Explicit Resource Management and GoLang's defer keyword.


  • fn: (defer: Tap<[]> & { silent: Tap<[]>; }) => Ret

  • Returns: Ret

Same as withDefer, but this returns a Promise, and supports async callbacks.

🧩 manager/moduleLoader

new ModuleLoader(source)

  • source: ModuleLoaderSource<T>
    • resolve: (query: string, ctx: { load(target: string): PromiseEx<T>; noCache<T>(value: T): T; }) => MaybePromise<T> β€” You must implement a loader function. It parse query and returns the module content.

      1. It could be synchronous or asynchronous, depends on your scenario.
      2. You can use load() from ctx to load dependencies. Example: await load("common") or load("common").value
      3. All queries are cached by default. To bypass it, use ctx.noCache. Example: return noCache("404: not found")
    • cache?: ModuleLoaderCache<any>

All-in-one ModuleLoader, support both sync and async mode, can handle circular dependency problem.

Example in Sync

const loader = new ModuleLoader({
  // sync example
  resolve(query, { load }) {
    if (query === 'father') return 'John'
    if (query === 'mother') return 'Mary'

    // simple alias: just `return load('xxx')`
    if (query === 'mom') return load('mother')

    // load dependency
    // - `load('xxx').value` for sync, don't forget .value
    // - `await load('xxx')` for async
    if (query === 'family') return `${load('father').value} and ${load('mother').value}`

    // always return something as fallback
    return 'bad query'

console.log(loader.load('family').value)  // don't forget .value

Example in Async

const loader = new ModuleLoader({
  // async example
  async resolve(query, { load }) {
    if (query === 'father') return 'John'
    if (query === 'mother') return 'Mary'

    // simple alias: just `return load('xxx')`
    if (query === 'mom') return load('mother')

    // load dependency
    // - `await load('xxx')` for async
    // - no need `.value` in async mode
    if (query === 'family') return `${await load('father')} and ${await load('mother')}`

    // always return something as fallback
    return 'bad query'

console.log(await loader.load('family'))  // no need `.value` with `await`
πŸ“– show members of ModuleLoader Β»

ModuleLoader # cache

  • Type: ModuleLoaderCache<{ dependencies?: string[] | undefined; promise: PromiseEx<T>; }>

ModuleLoader # load(query)

  • query: string

  • Returns: PromiseEx<T>

fetch a module

ModuleLoader # getDependencies(query, deep?)

  • query: string

  • deep?: boolean

  • Returns: PromiseEx<string[]>

get all direct dependencies of a module.

note: to get reliable result, this will completely load the module and deep dependencies.

new CircularDependencyError(query, queryStack)

  • query: string

  • queryStack: string[]

The circular dependency Error that ModuleLoader might throw.

πŸ“– show members of CircularDependencyError Β»

CircularDependencyError # query

  • Type: string

the module that trying to be loaded.

CircularDependencyError # queryStack

  • Type: string[]

the stack to traceback the loading progress.

CircularDependencyError # name

  • Type: string

always 'CircularDependencyError'

🧩 manager/simpleSearch


  • keyword: string

  • Returns: { test, filter, filterEx }

    • test: (record: any) => number β€” test one record and tell if it matches.

      the record could be a string, array and object(only values will be tested).

      will return 0 for not matched, 1 for fuzzy matched, > 1 for partially accurately matched

    • filter: FilterFunction β€” filter a list / collection, and get the sorted search result.

      returns a similarity-sorted array of matched values.

      also see filterEx if want more information

    • filterEx: FilterExFunction β€” filter a list / collection, and get the sorted search result with extra information.

      returns a similarity-sorted array of { value, score, index, key }.

      also see filter if you just want the values.

Simple utility to start searching


// note: items can be object / array / array of objects ...
const items = ['Alice', 'Lichee', 'Bob'];

const result = getSearchMatcher('lic').filter(items);
// -> ['Lichee', 'Alice']

🧩 type/compare

is(x, y)

  • x: any

  • y: any

  • Returns: boolean

the algorithm

shallowEqual(objA, objB, depth?)

  • objA: any

  • objB: any

  • depth?: number β€” defaults to 1

  • Returns: boolean

🧩 type/function

newFunction(argumentNames, functionBody, options?)

  • argumentNames: NameArray<ARGS> β€” a string[] of argument names

  • functionBody: string β€” the function body

  • options?: { async?: boolean | undefined; }

    • async?: boolean β€” set to true if the code contains await, the new function will be an async function
  • Returns: Fn<RESULT, ARGS>

like new Function but with more reasonable options and api


  • Returns: void

🧩 type/geometry

approx(a, b, epsilon?)

  • a: number β€” The first number.

  • b: number β€” The second number.

  • epsilon?: number β€” The maximum difference allowed between the two numbers. Defaults to 0.001.

  • Returns: boolean

Determines if two numbers are approximately equal within a given epsilon.

isInsideRect(x, y, rect)

  • x: number β€” The x-coordinate of the point.

  • y: number β€” The y-coordinate of the point.

  • rect: RectLike β€” The rectangle to check against.

    • x: number

    • y: number

    • width: number

    • height: number

  • Returns: boolean

Determines whether a point (x, y) is inside a rectangle.

isRectEqual(rect1, rect2, epsilon?)

  • rect1: Nil | RectLike β€” The first rectangle to compare.

  • rect2: Nil | RectLike β€” The second rectangle to compare.

  • epsilon?: number β€” The maximum difference allowed between the values of the rectangles' properties.

  • Returns: boolean

Determines whether two rectangles are equal.

getRectIntersection(rect, bounds)

  • rect: RectLike β€” The first rectangle.

    • x: number

    • y: number

    • width: number

    • height: number

  • bounds: RectLike β€” The second rectangle.

    • x: number

    • y: number

    • width: number

    • height: number

  • Returns: RectLike β€” The intersection rectangle. Can be accepted by DOMRect.fromRect(.)

    • x: number

    • y: number

    • width: number

    • height: number

Calculates the intersection of two rectangles.

🧩 type/iterable


  • value: OneOrMany<T>

  • Returns: T[]

Input anything, always return an array.

  • If the input is a single value that is not an array, wrap it as a new array.
  • If the input is already an array, it returns a shallow copy.
  • If the input is an iterator, it is equivalent to using Array.from() to process it.

Finally before returning, all null and undefined will be omitted

find(iterator, predicate)

  • iterator: Nil | Iterable<T>

  • predicate: Predicate<T>

  • Returns: T | undefined

Like Array#find, but the input could be a Iterator (for example, from generator, Set or Map)

reduce(iterator, initial, reducer)

  • iterator: Nil | Iterable<T>

  • initial: U

  • reducer: (agg: U, item: T, index: number) => U

  • Returns: U

Like Array#reduce, but the input could be a Iterator (for example, from generator, Set or Map)


  • iterator: Nil | Iterable<T>

  • Returns: T | undefined

Take the first result from a Iterator

contains(collection, item)

  • collection: Nil | CollectionOf<T>

  • item: T

  • Returns: boolean

input an array / Set / Map / WeakSet / WeakMap / object etc, check if it contains the item

forEach(objOrArray, iter)

  • objOrArray: any

  • iter: (value: any, key: any, whole: any) => any

  • Returns: void

a simple forEach iterator that support both Array | Set | Map | Object | Iterable as the input

🧩 type/string


  • str: string

  • Returns: number

Quickly compute string hash with cyrb53 algorithm

getVariableName(basicName, existingVariables?)

  • basicName: string

  • existingVariables?: CollectionOf<string>

  • Returns: string

input anything weird, get a valid variable name

optionally, you can give a existingVariables to avoid conflicting -- the new name might have a numeric suffix


getVariableName('foo-bar')   // -> "fooBar"
getVariableName('123abc')    // -> "_123abc"
getVariableName('')          // -> "foobar"
getVariableName('name', ['name', 'age'])    // -> "name2"

bracket(text1, text2, brackets?)

  • text1: string | number | null | undefined

  • text2: string | number | null | undefined

  • brackets?: string | [string, string] β€” defaults to [" (", ")"]

  • Returns: string

Add bracket (parenthesis) to text

  • bracket("c_name", "Column Name") => "c_name (Column Name)"
  • bracket("Column Name", "c_name") => "Column Name (c_name)"

If one parameter is empty, it returns the other one:

  • bracket("c_name", null) => "c_name"
  • bracket(null, "c_name") => "c_name"

🧩 type/types


  • obj: any

  • Returns: boolean

Tell if obj is null or undefined


  • obj: any

  • Returns: false | "array" | "object"

Tell if obj is Array, Object or other(false)


  • sth: any

  • Returns: boolean