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Convertir facilement des données issues du Thesaurus Linguae Graecae vers LaTeX.
Utilisation basique : python3 tlg2latex.py <fichier_a_convertir>
Documentation : http://geekographie.maieul.net/117
To convert data from Thesaurus Linguae Graecae to LaTeX
Basic use : python3 tlg2latex.py <file_to_convert>
Documentation : http://geekographie.maieul.net/117
Allow ἴνα ellipsis as ἴν’
Correct line ending characters.
Correct bug when a hyphen is before a line number and this line number is kept in the output.
Managing stanza.
Possibility to run a last regular expression at the end of all transformation's steps.
Possibility to define the way by which line numbers are transformed.
Possibility to manage insert's symbol, empty lines and paragraph's skip.
Manage ndash.
Possibility to configure the script.
The theta character is now added for the ellipsis. Manage hyphens before line numbers.
More type of hyphens and dashes, manage (partially) chapter's numbers.
First public release.