An implementation of Bob Dondero's famous Penny app in React.
Install the node.js envirnoment here
In the project directory run
npm init
npm install react react-dom --save-dev
npm install babel-core babel-loader --save-dev
npm install babel-preset-es2015 babel-preset-react --save-dev
npm install webpack --save-dev
Once these tools are all properly installed you can run
npm run build
If this succeeds, then everything is installed correctly. You can run
the server with the runserver
script to see the app.
The modern JavaScript ecosystem is fast moving and complex. Most developers prefer to use frameworks and advanced versions of the JavaScript so they don't have to deal with all of the language's quirks. This is especially true for larger projects, where javaScript's ambiguity in design and lack of modern features make code difficult to manage.
The first major install is for node.js. Node is a JavaScript runtime based on Google's (fast) V8 JS engine. It can execute javascript outside of the browser context. Node is the backbone of many recently popular web frameworks (Meteor, Express, Ember.js, Sails.js, ect...) are built on. These frameworks sell the idea of one language on the client and server side, as well as node's unique non-blocking asychronous IO model. Node comes with a package manager npm, which much of the javascript ecosystem uses to distribute and share code.
You can read more about node and npm here and here
Our next major install is react. It's important to note that React itself does not depend on the node.js back end, and only exists as a tool to help develop front end code. It exists in the view layer of most applications, and is mostly used for interacitve apps that must handle a lot of state. React uses a special superset of JavaScript call JSX. It's essentially Javascript with XML tags that operate in a very similar way to html tags. The main ideas behind react modularity, composability, and immutability. React components exist entirely as their own modules, and can be reused and imported at will. This allows for more flexibility and less custom code than vanilla JS. As a consequence React components are very composable in nature. It's encouraged to nest components within other components, as it helps separate concerns. Immutability is enorced within a component's state. State cannot be modified directly by the programmer, it is modified through library calls. Immutibility of state helps structure the data flow of applications.
React was created by Facebook, has an enormous community of developers, and it very well documented. Read more about it here.
Lastly, there is babel and webpack. In short, babel is used to transpile (essentially the same as compile) JSX and the newer versions of Javascript to JavaScript gaurunteed to be compatible with almost all browsers (in some cases, new versions of JS take a long time to be implemented in all browsers). Webpack is a tool that allows us to take all our files and smash then together in one app file that is easy to include in a sindle script tag.
You can read more about Babel and Webpack here and here.
The structure of this app is quite a deviation from other client side versions. TODO: More to be written on this later...