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List of commits on branch main.

R file for panel regresion

mmanojkumarvohra committed 4 years ago

Delete 05 Oct_Panel Regression_1.R

mmanojkumarvohra committed 4 years ago

data file for regression

mmanojkumarvohra committed 4 years ago

Panel Regression with VIF pruning

mmanojkumarvohra committed 4 years ago

added data files, code and analysis results

mmanojkumarvohra committed 4 years ago

Initial commit

mmanojkumarvohra committed 4 years ago


The README file for this repository.


Problem Definition

In USA, crimes are categorized as violent and property crimes. Violent crimes consist of criminal offenses: murder and non-negligent manslaughter/ homicides, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, and gang violence. Property crime consists of burglary, larceny, motor vehicle theft, and arson Six major Factors that played little role in 1990s till 2000s in the crime decline were according to university of California research team in 2017 were (1) The Strong Economy of the 1990s 2) Changing Demographics 3) Better Policing Strategies 4) Gun Control Laws 5) Laws Allowing the Carrying of Concealed Weapons 6) Increased Use of Capital Punishment

Unemployment figures are often termed as a key factor for almost all varieties of crime. The number of males aged 16 to 24 - the group that commits about half of all crime is per United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) report. Those were school drop entered into criminal activities.

Consequences of happiness were examined by sociologists, many explanations of adolescents' decisions about crime focus either on reflective thought that discourages offending, or negative emotions -- such as anger or rage -- that contribute to it. Research carried out at universities with USA found that happier adolescents were less likely to report involvement in crime or drug use. Adolescents with minor, or nonclinical, depression had significantly higher odds of engaging in such activities.

Drug users in the general population are more likely than nonusers to commit crimes. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on Provisional data analysis among adult respondents (ages 18–49), those who use cannabis (marijuana) or cocaine were much more likely to commit crimes because of the violent behavior resulting from drug effects.

Project Objective

Based on the problem stated above, our aim is to analyze crime records in US and identify factors that drive crime in the United States of America. Our solution aims to provide insights from the crime records at the national and state levels over different period of time so that central agencies can make effective strategies to combat crime efficiently.