A native RubyMotion wrapper around the Mixpanel API.
For updates, find me here or follow me on twitter
##Installation MotionPanel requires the AFMotion library, please ensure it is installed correctly.
gem 'motion_panel'
require 'motion_panel'
then run bundle install and you should be good to go.
##Tracking an event Before you start tracking events, you must initialize it with your project token.
From then on, you can simple access the client without the token:
You can then use the shared instance to track events:
Mixpanel.shared_instance.track('Example event', attribute: 'Value', second_attribute: 'Second value')
The following attributes will be included by default for every call:
- app_version
- ios_version
- orientation
- resolution
- retina?
Every user must have a distinct_id, this could be a database ID or an email address.
To track a user
Mixpanel.shared_instance.people.set(distinct_id, '$first_name' => 'Tom',
'$last_name' => 'Broomfield',
'occupation' => 'Developer')
Please be aware that the properties with the '$' prefix are special Mixpanel attributes. Refer to the Mixpanel documentation for more information.
You can also use the set_once method. This will work in the same way to the set method, except it will not overwrite existing property values. This is useful for properties like "First login date".
Mixpanel.shared_instance.people.set_once(distinct_id, 'First login' => '19/04/2015')
The add method will increment numerical values. A great example of this is tracking sign in count.
Mixpanel.shared_instance.people.add(distinct_id, 'Log in count' => 1)
##Config Configuration can be changed through the Mixpanel.config object.
Mixpanel.config.disable_on_simulator # Blocks all calls if device is a simulator. Default: false
Mixpanel.config.disable_in_development # Blocks all calls if app is in development environment. Default: false
Mixpanel.config.disable_in_test # Blocks all calls if app is in the test environment. Default: true
- Block on development and test environment configuration option.
- Better exceptions.
- Alternate interface for a better Ruby experience.
Feel free to shoot through a PR or open an issue.
Thankyou to the incredible people at Mixpanel and RubyMotion for the great services they provide to developers.