h1. vCard Helper plugin
A simple plugin providing a helper for generating vCards. Clone into a @vcard@ directory in your pluginPaths.
h2. Installation
Download this: http://github.com/markstory/cakephp_vcard/zipball/master
[GIT Submodule]
In your app directory type:
git submodule add git://github.com/markstory/cakephp_vcard.git plugins/vcard
git submodule init
git submodule update
[GIT Clone]
In your plugin directory type
git clone git://github.com/markstory/cakephp_vcard.git vcard
h2. Usage
To use add
var $helpers = array('Vcard.Vcf');
For additional usage instructions and how to enable @.vcf@ extensions for your applications see "my tutorial":http://mark-story.com/posts/view/generating-vcards-with-cakephp-using-extensions
h2. Contributors
- Mark Story
- José Gonzalez