Gandidyndns is a dynamic IP updater based on Gandi LiveAPI. It can handle IPv4 and IPv6 although care should taken for IPv6 if you use dynamic/temporary addresses.
Well, read the code, it's pretty simple :] In short, it does the following for each domain that has to be updated:
- Retrieve current address(es) from For each type of each record of each domain from the configuration:
- Retrieve current record from gandi
- If both records match, current record is up to date!
- If not, we upgrade gandi with current record informations Done.
python3 install
If you do not plan to share it among different users, you can (and maybe should) install it in your own user site-package directory with:
python3 install --user
You can also install it in a virtualenv.
Configuration file is written in json format.
"domains": {
"": {
"apikey": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
"records" : {
"test": {
"A": {
You can either have different config files or have multiple domains in the same config file, as you wish.
$ gandyndns /path/to/gandyndns.conf
Gandyndns does not need any priviledge besides internet access to run, so avoid running it as root.