This is the term Project of Introduction to Robotics 2016 in Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University (NTUME). This code is modified from "Skeletal Viewer", the sample code of Microsoft Kinect for Xbox.
The manipulator follows the motions of a human right arm and clenches when the raising of left arm is detected.
Positions of 20 body joints can be captured by Kinect with the function "Skeletal Tracking" in the KinectSDK and joint angles of the arm (as the angles of servo motors) thus can be determined. The command is send to the Arduino board via serial port. By utilizing Firmata protocol, the commands of Arduino controlling the servo motors can be programmed in C# without modifying the arduino code.
Wei-hsiang Wang
Collaborator: Ho-tai Tsai, Chin-an Pao, Wei-tun Chan
Grad. students of Intellectual Property Analysis & Innovative Design Laboratory, NTUME
Language: C# (in Visual Studio)
Operating System: Win10
Kinect for Xbox (Ver. 1414)
Arduino Uno ( Uploaded with the sample sketchbook "ServoFirmata" in Arduino IDE )
Self-made LEGO Manipulator
Images captured by Kinect and positions of joints are displayed.