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Repository finalized

mmayank31398 committed 6 years ago


The README file for this repository.

MIPS simulator

This repository contains an instruction level-simulator for a subset of the MIPS instruction set.

The memory is considered to be byte-addressable. Little-endian architecture has been implemented.

Note: The makefile is created for Windows. Create your own makefile for running on Linux. Some examples of MIPS code are also provided in the inputs folder. (.x files are .s codes converted to hexadecimal)

The instructions implemented are:
  1. J
  2. JAL
  3. BEQ
  4. BNE
  5. BLEZ
  6. BGTZ
  7. ADDI
  8. ADDIU
  9. SLTI
  10. SLTIU
  11. ANDI
  12. ORI
  13. XORI
  14. LUI
  15. LB
  16. LH
  17. LW
  18. LBU
  19. LHU
  20. SB
  21. SH
  22. SW
  23. BLTZ
  24. BGEZ
  25. BLTZAL
  26. BGEZAL
  27. SLL
  28. SRL
  29. SRA
  30. SLLV
  31. SRLV
  32. SRAV
  33. JR
  34. JALR
  35. ADD
  36. ADDU
  37. SUB
  38. SUBU
  39. AND
  40. OR
  41. XOR
  42. NOR
  43. SLT
  44. SLTU
  45. MULT
  46. MFHI
  47. MFLO
  48. MTHI
  49. MTLO
  50. MULTU
  51. DIV
  52. DIVU