.. image:: https://api.travis-ci.org/mfogel/django-matrix-field.png?branch=develop :alt: Build Status :target: https://travis-ci.org/mfogel/django-matrix-field
A Django app providing database and form fields for matrices (arrays of arrays).
Database Field
.. code:: python
from django.db import models
from matrix_field import MatrixField
class MyModel(models.Model):
matrix1 = MatrixField(datatype='float', dimensions=(3, 2))
matrix2 = MatrixField(datatype='str', dimensions=(2,))
my_inst = MyModel(
matrix1=[[5.1, -1.2], [4.2, 0.0], [3.14, 2.71]],
matrix2=['a list', 'of strings'],
my_inst.full_clean() # validates datatype, dimensions
my_inst.save() # values stored in DB as json
m1 = my_inst.matrix1 # values retrieved as matrices
repr(m1) # '[[5.1, -1.2], [4.2, 0.0], [3.14, 2.71]]'
Form Field
.. code:: python
import json
from django import forms
from matrix_field import MatrixFormField
class MyForm(forms.Form):
matrix = MatrixFormField(datatype='int', dimensions=(2, 1))
my_form = MyForm({
'matrix': json.dumps([[2], [1]]), # assignment of json representation
my_form.full_clean() # validates datatype, dimensions
m = my_form.cleaned_data['matrix'] # values retrieved as matrices
repr(m) # '[[2], [1]]'
Now on `pypi`__!
.. code:: sh
pip install django-matrix-field
Running the Tests
Using `Doug Hellman's virtualenvwrapper`__:
.. code:: sh
pip install django-matrix-field
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=matrix_field.test_settings
django-admin.py test matrix_field
Found a Bug?
To file a bug or submit a patch, please head over to `django-matrix-field on github`__.
__ http://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-matrix-field/
__ http://www.doughellmann.com/projects/virtualenvwrapper/
__ https://github.com/mfogel/django-matrix-field/