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.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/django-simple-email-confirmation.svg :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-simple-email-confirmation/
A Django app providing simple email confirmation.
This app can be used to support three different ways of organizing your Users their email address(es). Each email address can be in a confirmed/unconfirmed state.
- Users have one email address that is stored on the
- Users have one primary email address stored on the
model, and have N secondary emails stored inEmailAddress
objects - Users have N email addresses stored in
Create a new User, confirm their email:
.. code:: python
from django.core.mail import send_mail
# ...
email = 'original@here.com'
user = User.objects.create_user(email, email=email)
user.is_confirmed # False
send_mail(email, 'Use %s to confirm your email' % user.confirmation_key)
# User gets email, passes the confirmation_key back to your server
user.is_confirmed # True
Add another email to an existing User, confirm it, then set it as their primary.
.. code:: python
new_email = 'newaddr@nowhere.com'
confirmation_key = user.add_unconfirmed_email(new_email)
new_email in user.unconfirmed_emails # True
send_mail(new_email, 'Use %s to confirm your new email' % confirmation_key)
# User gets email, passes the confirmation_key back to your server
new_email in user.confirmed_emails # True
user.email # newaddr@nowhere.com
#. From pypi
__ using pip
.. code:: sh
pip install django-simple-email-confirmation
#. Add simple_email_confirmation
to your settings.INSTALLED_APPS
.. code:: python
#. Add the provided mixin to your django 1.5+ custom user model
.. code:: python
from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractUser
from simple_email_confirmation.models import SimpleEmailConfirmationUserMixin
class User(SimpleEmailConfirmationUserMixin, AbstractUser):
Note: you don't strictly have to do this final step. Without this, you won't have the nice helper functions and properties on your `User` objects but the remainder of the app should function fine.
#. Change default settings (optional):
By default, keys don't expire. If you want them to, set `settings.SIMPLE_EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_PERIOD` to a timedelta.
.. code:: python
from datetime import timedelta
By default, auto-add unconfirmed EmailAddress objects for new Users. If you want to change this behaviour, set `settings.SIMPLE_EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_AUTO_ADD` to False.
.. code:: python
By default, a length of keys is 12. If you want to change it, set `settings.SIMPLE_EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_KEY_LENGTH` to integer value (maximum 40).
.. code:: python
You are able to override the EmailAddress model provided with this app. This works in a similar fashion as Django's custom user model and allows you to add fields to the EmailAddress model, such as a uuid, or define your own model completely. To set a custom email address model, set `settings.SIMPLE_EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL_ADDRESS_MODEL` to the model you would like to use in the <app_label>.<model_name> fashion.
An admin interface is included with simple email confirmation. Although, it is designed to work with the EmailAddress provided. Functionality with the admin cannot be guaranteed when a custom model is used so it is recommended you provide your own admin definition.
Note for existing apps that already use the provided model:
Similar to Django's custom user model, migrating a custom email address model after the default one is already migrated is not supported and could have unforeseen side effects. The recommendation is to use a custom model from the beginning of development.
.. code:: python
0.23 to 1.0
A number of backwards incompatible changes are included in the 1.0 release.
- Signal arguments have been refactored. Now, the `email_confirmed`, `unconfirmed_email_created`, and `primary_email_changed` signals send the user class as the `sender` argument and include the user instance as an additional `user` argument. You can update your code as follows:
.. code:: python
def listener(sender, user, email, **kwargs):
def listener(sender, user, email, **kwargs):
def listener(sender, user, old_email, new_email, **kwargs):
Python/Django supported versions
- Python: 2.7, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6
- Django: 1.8 to 2.0
Running the Tests
#. Install `tox`__ and `coverage`__
.. code:: sh
pip install tox coverage
#. From the repository root, run
.. code:: sh
tox -e coverage
It's that simple.
Found a Bug?
To file a bug or submit a patch, please head over to `django-simple-email-confirmation on github`__.
Originally adapted from `Pinax's django-email-confirmation`__, which was originally adapted from `James Tauber's django-email-confirmation`__.
__ http://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-simple-email-confirmation/
__ http://www.pip-installer.org/
__ https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/settings/#installed-apps
__ https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/auth/customizing/#specifying-a-custom-user-model
__ https://tox.readthedocs.org/
__ https://coverage.readthedocs.org/
__ https://github.com/mfogel/django-simple-email-confirmation
__ https://github.com/pinax/django-email-confirmation
__ https://github.com/jtauber/django-email-confirmation