Utilities for the Analyis of the Citi Bike Dataset.
create new conda enviroment dsfm
using anaconda
conda env create --file ./environment.yml
download from https://s3.amazonaws.com/tripdata/index.html i.e. s3//tripdata
in linux commandline:
# download all zips
conda activate dsfm
python -m awscli s3 sync s3://tripdata ./data_raw_zip --no-sign-request
# unzip all files starting with ./data_raw_zip/20[.*].zip to /data_raw
# in linux use this command:
unzip -u './data_raw_zip/20*-citibike-tripdata.*zip' -d './data_raw'
periodically updated the dependencies on changes:
conda activate dsfm
conda env update --file environment.yml --prune
Start Jupyter Lab
conda activate dsfm
jupyter lab
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