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mmichalkordyzon committed 3 years ago


mmichalkordyzon committed 3 years ago


mmichalkordyzon committed 3 years ago


mmichalkordyzon committed 3 years ago


The README file for this repository.

Use IBM Maximo Visual Inspection to observe detected actions and objects over time

In this Code Pattern we'll provide a web application that has the ability to generate a line graph showing objects and/or actions detected in a video feed. This enables users to easily view the stages of any given process in chronological order.

For example, airlines can use this application to observe the timing of an aircraft crew's actions, such as when the aircraft is arriving at a gate, being unloaded/refueled, and then pushed back out to the runway.


  • IBM Maximo Visual Inspection. This is an image analysis platform that allows you to build and manage computer vision models, upload and annotate images, and deploy apis to analyze images and videos. Sign up for a trial account of IBM Maximo Visual Inspection here. This link includes options to provision a IBM Maximo Visual Inspection instance either locally on in the cloud.


  1. User accesses web application and provides login credentials for both the Camera system and IBM Maximo Visual Inspection. User also fills out form to select model and classify images as positive or negative.
  2. Node.js backend connects to camera RTSP stream and forwards to frontend web application
  3. Captured frames are forwarded to IBM Maximo Visual Inspection backend for analysis.
  4. Detected actions and objects are rendered on a line graph.


  • An account on IBM Marketplace that has access to IBM Maximo Visual Inspection. This service can be provisioned here

You will also need to train and deploy a custom model beforehand. This can be done following the steps in this video

  • ffmpeg - Package used here to connect to remote RTSP streams
# Linux
apt install ffmpeg

# Macbook OS X
brew install ffmpeg
  • Node.js

Skip to Steps if you already have node.js installed on your system.

Install Node.js packages

If expecting to run this application locally, please install Node.js and NPM. Windows users can use the installer at the link here.

If you're using Mac OS X or Linux, and your system requires additional versions of node for other projects, we'd suggest using nvm to easily switch between node versions. Install nvm with the following commands.

curl -o- | bash
# Place next three lines in ~/.bash_profile
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"  # This loads nvm
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"  # This loads nvm bash_completion
nvm install v8.9.0
nvm use 8.9.0


Follow these steps to setup and run this Code Pattern.

  1. Clone repository
  2. Start web application
  3. Configure web application
  4. Observe results

1. Clone repository

git clone

2. Start application

Local Deployment Install frontend dependencies

cd maximo-visual-timeseries
cd frontend
npm install

Start frontend

npm run serve

In a separate terminal tab, install backend dependencies

cd maximo-visual-timeseries
cd backend
npm install

Start backend

PORT=3000 npm start

3. Configure web application

Access the web application at localhost:8080.

Click "Login" and provide the url, and credentials for the Maximo Visual Inspection instance. If you're using Maximo Visual Inspection v8.0.0 and up, you'll need to provide your API key. Maximo Visual Inspection 1.3.0 and below requires a username and password. These credentials can be found in your welcome letter.

Next, click "Configure Model" in the Menu. Select your custom model. Then, select objects or classes associated with that model that you'd like to observe in the dashboard.

After selecting the relevant model categories, we can then being streaming a video to the application for analysis. Currently, this app supports the following video sources. To stop a video from playing, click "Stop Stream".

  1. Webcam - This is the default method, and requires no configuration
  2. RTSP - RTSP is a streaming protocol commonly used by CCTV cameras. To connect to an RTSP stream, click the "Stream RTSP" button, provide the URL and the login credentials (if applicable).
  3. Youtube - To playback a Youtube video for analysis, click the "Stream RTSP" button and enter the Youtube URL.
  4. Local Video File - Click the "Upload Video" button and drag and drop your video file.

After clicking "Submit" in the "Stream RTSP" or "Upload File" modal, the video should immediately begin playing in the browser.

4. Observe results

Once the video begins playing, click the "Start Analysis of Feed" button to analyze a frame every second.

As results are received that match the model configuration, they will then be rendered in the line graph section on the right hand side like so.

If we zoom in on the time series chart, we can see the flow of events for the aircraft

  • Arrived at gate at 6:06PM
  • Jetbridge connected at 6:08PM
  • Beltloader activated at 6:08PM
  • Cargo Hold opened at 6:09PM

Hovering over one of the inference results will show a popup modal with a screenshot of that particular inference

Given this information, we see how airlines can use Maximo Visual Inspection to keep track of processes, and determine how quickly each step in the process may take. This can also of course be used for other industries, such as manufacturing, shipping, healthcare, and more.


This code pattern is licensed under the Apache Software License, Version 2. Separate third party code objects invoked within this code pattern are licensed by their respective providers pursuant to their own separate licenses. Contributions are subject to the Developer Certificate of Origin, Version 1.1 (DCO) and the Apache Software License, Version 2.

Apache Software License (ASL) FAQ