This is currently experimental software. It works, but is in an early stage of development.
An integration to the nucleo-matcher algorithm for Neovim. It's the fuzzy matching algorithm used in the Helix editor to find files.
This includes a lua-rust api to use the nucleo-matcher rust crate. Using this, the following features are provided:
- A telescope.nvim sorter, which allows using the nucleo algorithm with telescope.
- A lua api to use the nucleo algorithm directly.
Right now, no binaries are published, so you need to build the rust side of the plugin yourself.
Using lazy.nvim:
---@module "lazy"
---@type LazySpec
return {
build = "cargo build --release",
config = true,
-- it sets itself as the default sorter for telescope's find_files (file
-- picker)
- telescope-fzf-native.nvim allows using a C language port of the fzf algorithm with telescope
- fzf-lua is a mature fuzzy finder for Neovim. It uses the fzf command-line fuzzy finder under the hood.