

19 stars
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List of commits on branch master.

Merge pull request #2 from bitdeli-chef/master

mmiketheman committed 11 years ago

Add a Bitdeli badge to README

bbitdeli-chef committed 11 years ago

adds a license file

mmiketheman committed 11 years ago

updated readme for application key, thanks @nathenharvey

mmiketheman committed 12 years ago

nail chef version for now

mmiketheman committed 12 years ago

updated locked versions

mmiketheman committed 12 years ago


The README file for this repository.


Full-stack DevOps demo

The purpose of this is to demonstrate some great automation tools in orchestra.

Things used

(in alphabetic order)

Some of the more exotic pieces

  • bluepill is a process manager, similar to SysV init, Upstart, supervisord, runit, etc.
  • is a web micro-framework written in python.
  • Siege creates web requests based on an input file for load testing.
  • Spiceweasel generates Chef's knife commands from a config file

A picture


Thanks to diagrammr.


The application is a simplistic word counter, acts like a REST interface, where /insert/<someword> will add the word to the database and increment its counter.

The /get/<someword> will retrieve the word, the unique object ID, and the count of times this word was hit.

A call to /toplist will bring back the top 10 words that have been hit.


All cookbooks used are released on the Chef Community site. The only cookbooks here are a personalized mongodb cookbook, due to a currently faulty community cookbook, and the fullstack cookbook, that performs the customized functions this stack needs.

Prep work

Some EC2 security group work:

ec2-create-group fullstack -d "Full Stack Demo"
# Allow pings
ec2-authorize fullstack --protocol icmp --icmp-type-code=-1:-1 --source-or-dest-group fullstack
# Could be shorter: ec2-authorize fullstack -P icmp -t=-1:-1 -o fullstack
ec2-authorize fullstack -P tcp -p 0-65535 -o fullstack
ec2-authorize fullstack -P udp -p 0-65535 -o fullstack

ec2-authorize fullstack -P tcp -p 22    # SSH
ec2-authorize fullstack -P tcp -p 80    # HTTP

# Optional, don't use in a production environment unless needed
ec2-authorize fullstack -P tcp -p 22002 # HAProxy Stats
ec2-authorize fullstack -P tcp -p 8080  # Webapp node

A chef server (open source or hosted) must exist, and knife.rb must be set up correctly with AWS credentials. My personal one is excluded from the repo.

I recommend using a dedicated server/organization since the cleanup actions are destructive.

current_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
log_level                :info
log_location             STDOUT
node_name                "<my username>"
client_key               "#{current_dir}/<my username>.pem"
validation_client_name   "<organization-name>-validator"
validation_key           "#{current_dir}/<organization-name>-validator.pem"
chef_server_url          "<organization-name>"
cache_type               'BasicFile'
cache_options( :path => "#{ENV['HOME']}/.chef/checksums" )
cookbook_path            ["#{current_dir}/../site-cookbooks"]
# AWS credentials
knife[:ssh_user]              = "ec2-user"
knife[:ssh_identity_file]     = "#{current_dir}/../.aws/<key pair cert>.pem"
knife[:aws_access_key_id]     = "<some key id>"
knife[:aws_secret_access_key] = "<some secret string>"
### END ###

A Users Databag item must be placed in data_bags/users/<username>.json. An example is:

  "id": "bofh",
  "ssh_keys": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nz...yhCw== bofh",
  "groups": "sysadmin",
  "uid": 2001,
  "shell": "\/bin\/bash",
  "comment": "BOFH",

See the users cookbook for more help.

A Credentials databag item for Datadog monitoring is also excluded from the repo, since it contains API keys. Construct your own at data_bags/credentials/datadog.json so:

  "id": "datadog",
  "api_key": "YOURAPIKEY",
  "application_key": "APPLICATIONKEYFORCHEF"

You can obtain your API key and Application Key from the Integrations => API page, or from the Agent Setup => Chef page, you will find a "Generate Application Key" button.


spiceweasel fullspice.yml | bash

Some cool tricks

Get the top list of words:

open http://`knife search node 'role:load_balancer' -a ec2.public_hostname |grep ec2.public_hostname | cut -f4 -d" "`/toplist

HAProxy web console:

open http://`knife search node 'role:load_balancer' -a ec2.public_hostname |grep ec2.public_hostname | cut -f4 -d" "`:22002/

Find the mongodb replset primary:

knife search node "fqdn:`knife ssh 'role:mongodb-replset-member' -a ec2.public_hostname 'curl http://localhost:28017/replSetGetStatus?text=1' | grep -B4 PRIMARY | grep name | awk '{print $4}' |cut -f1 -d":" | sed 's/^.\{1\}//' | uniq`" -i

NOTE: This is probably overly complicated, but awesome. Probably better to have chef-client update the node record with the current state.

Kill the primary:

knife ec2 server delete --purge -y <instance-id from previous command>
# or:
knife ec2 server delete --purge -y `knife search node "fqdn:`knife ssh 'role:mongodb-replset-member' -a ec2.public_hostname 'curl http://localhost:28017/replSetGetStatus?text=1' | grep -B4 PRIMARY | grep name | awk '{print $4}' |cut -f1 -d":" | sed 's/^.\{1\}//' | uniq`" -a ec2.instance_id | grep instance_id | cut -f2 -d":"`

Launch a new mongodb replica:

spiceweasel fullspice.yml | grep --color=none rolemongodb-replset-member | uniq | bash

Add a webserver:

spiceweasel fullspice.yml | grep --color=none rolewebserver | uniq | bash

Show counts of servers:

knife status -r | awk '{print $9}' | sort | uniq -c

Do something on all nodes:

knife ssh '*:*' -a ec2.public_hostname 'hostname -f'


Spiceweasel, in reverse:

spiceweasel -d fullspice.yml | bash
knife client bulk delete i-.*

That's all, folks!


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