The HSTS preload list is a list of domains that support HTTPS. The list is compiled by Google and is utilised by Chrome, Firefox and others.
With this information, a HTTP client may contact a website without trying a plain-text HTTP connection first. It prevents interception with redirects that take place over HTTP. None of the sent data will ever be unencrypted.
A good explananation of HSTS and HSTS preloading has been written by Scott Helme - HSTS Preloading.
The DAFSA code has been taken from Chromium Project.
You find the current API documentation here.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <libhsts.h>
int main(void)
const char *domain = "";
hsts_t *hsts;
if (hsts_load_file(SRCDIR "/hsts.dafsa", &hsts) == HSTS_SUCCESS) {
hsts_entry_t *e;
if (hsts_search(hsts, domain, 0, &e) == HSTS_SUCCESS)
printf("%s is in the HSTS preload list\n", domain);
printf("Failed to find %s in the HSTS preload list\n", domain);
return 0;
Libhsts comes with a tool 'hsts' that gives you access to most of the library API via command line.
$ hsts --help
prints the usage.
The DAFSA format is a compressed representation of strings. Here we use it to reduce the whole HSTS to about 350k in size.
The current HSTS Preload list can be retrieved, prepared and generated with:
$ wget ''
$ sed 's/^ *\/\/.*$//g' transport_security_state_static.json >hsts.json
$ src/hsts-make-dafsa --output-format=binary hsts.json hsts.dafsa
Test the result (example)
$ tools/hsts --load-hsts-file hsts.dafsa
Libhsts is made available under the terms of the MIT license.
See the LICENSE file that accompanies this distribution for the full text of the license.
src/hsts-make-dafsa and src/lookup_string_in_fixed_set.c are licensed under the term written in src/LICENSE.chromium.
You should have python2.7+ installed.
Download project and prepare sources with
git clone
autoreconf -fi
make check
If you see errors about AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG during ./configure
make sure you have the autoconf-archive installed.
E.g. on Debian via apt-get install autoconf-archive
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