- First thing first, read the documentation at http://developer.musixmatch.com .
- Get an api key by signing up at http://developer.musixmatch.com/mmplans .
- Install the musixmatch package
- Run the python prompt
import musixmatch apikey = '' try: ... chart = musixmatch.ws.track.chart.get(country='it', apikey=apikey) ... except musixmatch.api.Error, e: ... pass
It's that simple. Last, you can brows this documentation and have fun with the other modules.
You can just use setup.py to build and install python-musixmatch::
prompt $ python setup.py bdist_egg
Once built, you can use easy_install on the python egg.
You can read documentation online_, or generate your own local copy using
_ trough the setup.py::
prompt $ python setup.py build_sphinx
.. _Sphinx: http://sphinx.pocoo.org .. _online: http://projects.monkeython.com/musixmatch/python-musixmatch/html/index.html
python-musixmatch comes with some essential unit testing. If you set up musixmatch_apikey environment variable, and have internet connection, you can also run some tests on API calls::
prompt $ python setup.py test
Applications using python-musixmatch may take advantage of standard urllib support for http_proxy, so they can just set up the proper environment variable:
http_proxy the complete HTTP proxy URL to use in queries.
Considering all the available HTTP proxy solutions, I'm reluctant to implement a further caching support. Though i can consider serialization support.
python-musixmatch takes advantage of operating system environment to get apikey, format and api version values to use in API calls:
musixmatch_apikey the apikey value to use in query strings musixmatch_format the response message format. For example: json musixmatch_wslocation the webservice base url. For example: http://api.musixmatch.com/ws/1.1 musixmatch_apiversion the api version to use in queryes. For example: 1.1. Use of musixmatch_apiversion was deprecated in favour of musixmatch_wslocation.