This is a dark, pastel color theme for Emacs based on Trevor Miller's Nova color scheme.
M-x package-refresh-contents
if necessary M-x package-install RET nova-theme
M-x load-theme RET nova
Add (load-theme 'nova t)
to your config to load at startup.
- favor more color over less color where it helps to usefully distinguish things
- but don't style to the point where everything has a color
- don't use bold in any prog modes, use sparingly otherwise
- use underline very sparingly, perhaps only for links (I think it looks cheesy when used for emphasis)
I tried to make it easy to tweak faces and add new faces. Assuming you have the theme loaded, you can change or add new faces like this:
;; colors in nova-base-colors are available as variables
(some-face :foreground cyan)
(some-other-face :background blue :inherit 'unspecified))
With few exceptions, I will only style modes I use myself. You are more than welcome to contribute styling for additional modes. Please open a PR and include before and after screenshots.
If you don't like existing styling or find a bug, please open an issue with a screenshot.