#+AUTHOR: Maarten Versteegh
- Praat Formants Python
Reading formants from audio files into Python by wrapping calls to [[http://www.fon.hum.uva.nl/praat/][Praat]]. To reduce overhead, calls to Praat are memoized. This can be disabled by setting
memoize_call=Falsein the function parameters.
** Usage Extract formants at time point 0.5s from wavfile: : import praat_formants_python as pfp : pfp.formants_at_time('/path/to/wavfile/', 0.5)
Extract formants at time interval [0.5, 0.7] from wavfile: : import praat_formants_python as pfp : pfp.formants_at_interval('/path/to/wavfile/', 0.5, 0.7)
Maximum formant, window length and preemphasis can be passed in as keyword arguments. By default, these are set as maxformant=5500, winlen=0.025, preemph=50
: import praat_formants_python as pfp
: pfp.formants_at_interval('/path/to/wavfile/', 0.5, 0.7,
: maxformant=5000, winlen=0.50, preemph=99)
** Installation This package requires [[http://www.numpy.org][numpy]]. See installation instructions there.
Run setup.py:
: python setup.py install
To be able to find Praat, the praat executable should be in your PATH. For OSX: the Praat program installs to /Applications/Audio/Praat.app/Contents/MacOS/Praat, which is not in the PATH by default. Easiest way to solve that is to put a symlink in /usr/bin to there, i.e. open a Terminal and do
: $ sudo ln -s /Applications/Audio/Praat.app/Contents/MacOS/Praat /usr/bin/praat
For Linux: Praat installs to /usr/bin by default, so you don't have to do anything.