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nnasyxx committed 2 years ago


nnasyxx committed 2 years ago

按 hls 重排序

nnasyxx committed 3 years ago

分離 彩

nnasyxx committed 3 years ago


nnasyxx committed 3 years ago

沾加 orderless

nnasyxx committed 3 years ago


The README file for this repository.

#+PROPERTY: header-args:emacs-lisp :tangle (expand-file-name "nasy-theme.el") :lexical t #+options: ':nil *:t -:t ::t <:t H:3 \n:nil ^:{} arch:headline author:t #+options: broken-links:mark c:nil creator:nil d:(not "LOGBOOK") date:t e:t #+options: email:nil f:t inline:t num:t p:nil pri:nil prop:nil stat:t tags:t #+options: tasks:t tex:t timestamp:t title:t toc:t todo:t |:t #+title: README #+date: <2021-05-18 Tue> #+author: Nasy #+email: #+update: <2021-06-08 Tue> #+language: en #+select_tags: export #+exclude_tags: noexport #+creator: Emacs 28.0.50 (Org mode 9.4.5)


Nasy's Emacs Theme

  • 截圖 :noexport:

[[./screenshot1.png]] [[./screenshot2.png]] [[./screenshot3.png]] [[./screenshot4.png]] [[./screenshot5.png]]

  • Header :noexport: :PROPERTIES: :ID: A386FB66-D302-4910-9681-5AD20423B0E1 :END:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp ;;; nasy-theme.el --- Nasy's Emacs Configuration theme file. -- lexical-binding: t; --

;; Copyright (C) 2022 Nasy

;; Author: Nasy

;;; Commentary:

;; Nasy's Emacs 外皃

;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY ;; This is a file generated from a literate programing source file located at ;; ;; ;; You should make any changes there and regenerate using make generate. ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------

;;; Code:

(require '彩) (require 'color) (eval-when-compile (require 'cl-lib)) #+end_src

  • Colors :PROPERTIES: :ID: 22A29749-9744-421C-9838-0344146A0ACF :END:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle (expand-file-name "彩.el") :lexical t ;;; 彩.el --- Nasy's Emacs theme colors. -- lexical-binding: t; --

;;; Commentary:

;;; Code:

;;; 正色 (defconst n-青 "#00ffff") (defconst n-赤 "#c3272b") (defconst n-白 "#ffffff") ;; 精白 (defconst n-黑 "#000000") (defconst n-黄 "#fff143") ;; 不知其法而用鵝黃

;;; 間色 (defconst n-紺青 "#3f4470") (defconst n-鴉青 "#424c50") (defconst n-靛藍 "#065279") (defconst n-羣青 "#2e59a7") (defconst n-深竹月 "#2e62cd") (defconst n-寶藍 "#4b5cc4") (defconst n-青冥 "#3271ae") (defconst n-靛青 "#177CB0") (defconst n-湖藍 "#30DFF3") (defconst n--青 "#00ffff")

(defconst n-松绿 "#057748") (defconst n-官緑 "#2a6e3f") (defconst n-青青 "#4f6f46") (defconst n-蒼翠 "#519a73") (defconst n-菉竹 "#698e6a") (defconst n-竹靑 "#789262") (defconst n-春辰 "#a9be7b") (defconst n-松花 "#bce672") (defconst n-歐碧 "#c0d695") (defconst n-龍泉靑瓷 "#c8e6c6") (defconst n-水緑 "#d4f2e7") (defconst n-水黄 "#ddeec4") (defconst n-春緑 "#e3efd1") (defconst n-蔥青 "#edfebb") (defconst n-断肠 "#ecebc2")

(defconst n-絳 "#510312") (defconst n-胭脂 "#960018") (defconst n-綪 "#b13546") (defconst n-品红 "#F00056") (defconst n-朱 "#ff0000") (defconst n-火红 "#FF2D51") (defconst n-丹 "#ff4c00") (defconst n-妃 "#ed5736") (defconst n-海棠 "#DB5A6B") (defconst n-桃红 "#f47983") (defconst n-鳳仙粉 "#FF9393") (defconst n-粉红 "#ffb3a7") (defconst n-露玫瑰 "#ffe4e1")

(defconst n-墨 "#50616D") (defconst n-蒼青 "#7397ab") (defconst n-墨灰 "#758A99")

(defconst n-养生主 "#b49b7f")

(defconst n-茶 "#B35C44") (defconst n-鱼肚 "#FCEFE8") (defconst n-珈琲椶 "#705438") (defconst n-紙棕 "#D2B38C") (defconst n-向日黃 "#FFC34D") (defconst n-缟 "#F2ECDE") (defconst n-牙 "#EEDEB0") (defconst n-米灰 "#D3CBAF") (defconst n-芽灰 "#E3DBBF") (defconst n-胡粉 "#FFFAE8") (defconst n-蠟白 "#FEF8DE") (defconst n-富春紡 "#FEF4B4") (defconst n-鹅黄 "#FFF143") (defconst n-嬭油 "#fffdd0") (defconst n-鸭黄 "#FAFF72") (defconst n-蛤粉 "#fdfff4") (defconst n-荼 "#F3F9F1") (defconst n-素 "#E0F0E9") (defconst n-霜 "#E9F1F6") (defconst n-漆 "#161823") (defconst n-黛 "#4A4266") (defconst n-丁香 "#CCA4E3") (defconst n-青莲 "#801DAE") (defconst n-淡紫丁香 "#e6cfe6") (defconst n-水紅 "#f3d3e7") (defconst n-長萅蕐 "#FF47D1") (defconst n-紫扇貝 "#923A60")

(provide '彩) ;;; 彩.el ends here #+end_src

  • Definition :PROPERTIES: :ID: 957F26CD-C9BC-40E6-B9DE-41478964297B :END:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp (defgroup nasy-theme nil "Options of Nasy's theme." :group 'faces)

(defcustom nasy-theme-light/dark 'light "Nasy theme uses light theme or dark theme?" :group 'nasy-theme :type 'symbol)

(defcustom nasy-theme-org-scale t "Nasy theme uses scale up in `org-mode' or not." :group 'nasy-theme :type 'boolean)

(defcustom nasy-theme-outline-scale t "Nasy theme uses scale up in `outline' or not." :group 'nasy-theme :type 'boolean)

(defcustom nasy-theme-underlines-list '(comment constant dash-string hl-line) "Nasy theme uses underline on list.

Should be one or more in comment', hl-line', constant', dash-string', `keyword'." :group 'nasy-theme :type '(list symbol))

(defcustom nasy-theme-fixed-pitch-font "Recursive Mono Casual Static" "Nasy theme fixed pitch font." :group 'nasy-theme :type 'string)

(defcustom nasy-theme-variable-pitch-font "Cardo" "Nasy theme variable pitch font." :group 'nasy-theme :type 'string)

(defcustom nasy-theme-variable-pitch-font-weight 'regular "Nasy theme variable pitch font weight." :group 'nasy-theme :type 'symbol)

(defcustom nasy-theme-fixed-pitch-font-scale 1.0 "Nasy theme fixed pitch font scale." :group 'nasy-theme :type 'float)

(defcustom nasy-theme-variable-pitch-font-scale 1.3 "Nasy theme variable pitch font scale." :group 'nasy-theme :type 'float)

(defcustom nasy-theme-rescale-f/v-pitch-font t "Nasy theme rescale f/v-pitch-font or not." :group 'nasy-theme :type 'boolean)

(defun nasy-theme--light?dark (light dark) "Determine using the LIGHT or the DARK color of nasy-theme." (if (eq nasy-theme-light/dark 'light) light dark)) (defalias '--l?d #'nasy-theme--light?dark)

(defun nasy-theme--scale? (scale) "Determine using org-mode' SCALE or not." (if nasy-theme-org-scale scale 1)) (defun nasy-theme--outline-scale? (scale) "Determine using outline' SCALE or not." (if nasy-theme-outline-scale scale 1)) (defalias '--s? #'nasy-theme--scale?) (defalias '--os? #'nasy-theme--outline-scale?)

(defun nasy-theme--check-underline-list (sym) "Check if SYM in `nasy-theme-underlines-list' or not." (when (memq sym nasy-theme-underlines-list) t)) (defalias '--u? #'nasy-theme--check-underline-list)

(defun nasy-theme--rescale-font () "Nasy theme rescale font." (when nasy-theme-rescale-f/v-pitch-font (setf (alist-get nasy-theme-fixed-pitch-font face-font-rescale-alist nasy-theme-fixed-pitch-font-scale nil 'string=) nasy-theme-fixed-pitch-font-scale) (setf (alist-get nasy-theme-variable-pitch-font face-font-rescale-alist nasy-theme-variable-pitch-font-scale nil 'string=) nasy-theme-variable-pitch-font-scale)))

(nasy-theme--rescale-font) #+end_src

  • Theme :PROPERTIES: :ID: 9C9E3DCF-EE33-42A5-A312-AE5D3218EA92 :END:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp (deftheme nasy)

(let* ((class '((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light))) (classd '((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark))) (n/淺背景 "#f4daefb6e3b6") ;; (color-lighten-name n-缟 1.45) (n/深背景 "#F109ea21da05") ;; (color-darken-name n-缟 1.45) (n/深深背景 "#ef20e757d52d") ;; (color-darken-name n-缟 2.9) (nd/淺背景 "#1667187123a5") ;; (color-lighten-name n-漆 1.45) (nd/淺淺背景 "#16b918ca2427") ;; (color-lighten-name n-漆 2.9) (n/丁香青莲 (--l?d n-青莲 n-青莲)) (n/墨墨灰 (--l?d n-墨 n-墨灰)) (n/墨灰墨 (--l?d n-墨灰 n-墨)) (n/墨灰素 (--l?d n-墨灰 n-素)) (n/墨缟 (--l?d n-墨 n-缟)) (n/湖藍靛青 (--l?d n-湖藍 n-靛青)) (n/漆缟 (--l?d n-漆 n-缟)) (n/牙墨 (--l?d n-牙 n-墨)) (n/牙黛 (--l?d n-牙 n-黛)) (n/素墨 (--l?d n-素 n-墨)) (n/素墨灰 (--l?d n-素 n-墨灰)) (n/缟墨 (--l?d n-缟 n-墨)) (n/缟漆 (--l?d n-缟 n-漆)) (n/缟黛 (--l?d n-缟 n-黛)) (n/霜黛 (--l?d n-霜 n-黛)) (n/青莲丁香 (--l?d n-青莲 n-丁香)) (n/青莲牙 (--l?d n-青莲 n-牙)) (n/靛青湖藍 (--l?d n-靛青 n-湖藍)) (n/黛缟 (--l?d n-黛 n-缟)) (n/黛霜 (--l?d n-黛 n-霜))) (custom-theme-set-faces 'nasy ;;; essential styles `(default ((,class (:foreground ,n/墨缟 :background ,n/缟漆))))

 ;;; Basic
 `(bold ((,class (:weight bold))))
 `(button          ((,class (:box (:line-width 1) :underline t :weight bold))))
 `(cursor          ((,class (:background ,n/黛霜 :foreground ,n/霜黛))))
 `(error           ((,class (:background ,n-鳳仙粉 :foreground ,n-紫扇貝 :weight bold))))
 `(escape-glyph    ((,class (:foreground ,n-茶))))
   ((,class (:family ,nasy-theme-fixed-pitch-font))))
 `(fixed-pitch-serif ((t (:inherit fixed-pitch))))
 `(fringe          ((,class (:background ,n/缟漆 :foreground ,n/墨缟))))
 `(header-line     ((,class (:background ,n-荼
                                         :box (:line-width 2 :style released-button)
                                         :extend t
                                         :foreground ,n/靛青湖藍))))
 `(highlight    ((,class (:background ,n-米灰
                                      :distant-foreground ,n/霜黛))))
 `(internal-border ((,class (:background ,n/缟漆))))
 `(link         ((,class (:foreground ,n-靛青 :underline t))))
 `(link-visited ((,class (:foreground ,n-青莲 :underline t))))
 `(region       ((,class (:background ,n-蠟白 :distant-foreground ,n/墨缟 :extend t))))
 `(secondary-selection ((,class (:background ,n-芽灰))))
 `(success      ((,class (:background ,n-鱼肚 :foreground ,n-靛青 :weight bold))))
   ((,class (:family ,nasy-theme-variable-pitch-font
                     :weight ,nasy-theme-variable-pitch-font-weight))))
 `(warning      ((,class (:background ,n-富春紡 :foreground ,n-珈琲椶 :weight bold))))

 ;;; centaur-tabs
   ((,class (:background ,n-米灰
                         :foreground ,n-墨))))
   ((,class (:background ,n-富春紡
                         :foreground ,n-墨))))
   ((,class (:background ,n-富春紡
                         :foreground ,n-墨
                         :slant italic))))
   ((,class (:background ,n-春緑
                         :foreground ,n-墨灰))))
   ((,class (:background ,n-水黄
                         :foreground ,n-墨灰
                         :slant italic))))
   ((,class (:background ,n-墨))))

 ;;; company
   ((,class (:background ,n/黛缟
                         :box (:line-width 2 :style released-button)
                         :extend t
                         :foreground ,n/缟黛))))
   ((,class (:inherit company-box-scrollbar))))
   ((,class (:background ,n-茶 :foreground ,n-缟))))
   ((,class (:background ,n-荼 :foreground ,n-墨 :slant italic :weight bold))))
   ((,class (:background ,n-牙))))
   ((,class (:background ,n-茶 :foreground ,n-缟))))
   ((,class (:background ,n/霜黛 :foreground ,n/黛霜))))
   ((,class (:background ,n-素 :foreground ,n-松绿 :weight bold))))
   ((,class (:background ,n/黛缟 :foreground ,n-松花 :inherit company-tooltip-common))))
   ((,class (:background ,n/黛缟
                         :box (:style released-button)
                         :extend t
                         :foreground ,n/缟黛))))

 ;;; counsel & ivy
   ((t (:box (:line-width 2 :style released-button)
             :inherit default))))
   ((,class (:background ,n/黛缟
                         :extend t
                         :foreground ,n/缟墨
                         :weight bold))))
   ((,class (:inherit counsel-active-mode))))
   ((,class (:background ,n-松花
                         :foreground ,n-墨
                         :weight bold))))
   ((,class (:background ,n-鹅黄
                         :foreground ,n-墨
                         :weight bold))))
   ((,class (:background ,n-丁香
                         :foreground ,n-墨
                         :weight bold))))
   ((,class (:background ,n-火红
                         :foreground ,n-墨
                         :weight bold))))

 ;;; customize faces
   ((,class (:box (:line-width 2 :style released-button)
                  :foreground ,n/霜黛
                  :background ,n/黛霜))))
   ((,class (:box (:line-width 2 :style released-button)
                  :background ,n/霜黛
                  :foreground ,n/黛霜))))
   ((,class (:box (:line-width 2 :style pressed-button)
                  :inherit custom-button))))
   ((,class (:foreground ,n-青莲 :inherit custom-button-unraised))))
   ((,class (:underline t))))
   ((,class (:background ,n/霜黛 :foreground ,n/黛霜))))
   ((,class (:foreground ,n-靛青
                         :height 1.4
                         :slant normal
                         :weight bold
                         :inherit variable-pitch))))
   ((,class (:foreground ,n/墨缟
                         :height 1.2
                         :underline t
                         :weight bold))))
   ((,class (:foreground ,n/黛霜
                         :strike-through t))))
   ((,class (:foreground ,n-靛青
                         :slant normal
                         :weight bold))))

 ;;; dashboard
   ((,class (:inherit font-lock-string-face :underline ,(--u? 'dash-string)))))
   ((,class (:weight unspecified))))

 ;;; display-fill-column-indicator-mode
 `(fill-column-indicator ((,class (:background ,n-湖藍 :foreground ,n-靛青))))

 ;;; flycheck
 `(flycheck-warning ((,class (:background ,n-牙
                                          :underline (:style wave :color ,n-丁香)))))

 ;;; font-lock faces
   ((,class (:foreground ,n-茶))))
   ((,class (:foreground ,n-黛 :weight bold))))
   ((,class (:foreground ,n-墨 :weight bold
                         :underline ,(--u? 'comment)))))
   ((,class (:foreground ,n-墨 :weight light
                         :slant italic
                         :underline ,(--u? 'comment)))))
   ((,class (:foreground ,n-黛
                         :underline ,(--u? 'constant)
                         :weight bold))))
   ((,class (:foreground ,n-蒼翠
                         :background ,n/深深背景))))
   ((,class (:background ,n-春緑 :foreground ,n-墨 :weight light :extend t))))
   ((,class (:inherit font-lock-constant-face))))
   ((,class (:foreground ,n-丁香))))
   ((,class (:background ,n/深背景 :foreground ,n-墨 :weight bold))))
   ((,class (:foreground ,n-黛
                         :weight bold
                         :underline ,(--u? 'keyword)
                         :background ,n-断肠))
    (,classd (:foreground ,n-缟
                          :weight bold
                          :underline ,(--u? 'keyword)))))
   ((,class (:inherit font-lock-punctuation-face))))
   ((,class (:foreground ,n-珈琲椶))))
   ((,class (:foreground ,n-深竹月))))
   ((,class (:foreground ,n-羣青
                         :background ,n-露玫瑰))))
   ((,class (:foreground ,n-紙棕 :slant italic))))
   ((,class (:foreground ,n-靛藍 :slant italic))))
   ((,class (:foreground ,n-春辰))))
   ((,class (:background ,n-淡紫丁香))))
   ((,class (:background ,n-淡紫丁香))))
   ((,class (:background ,n/淺背景 :foreground ,n-青青))))
   ((,class (:background ,n/深深背景
                        :foreground ,n-墨
                        :slant italic
                        :weight bold))))
   ((,class (:foreground ,n-墨 :slant italic))))
   ((,class (:background ,n-鸭黄 :foreground ,n-墨 :weight bold))))

 ;;; highlight
 ;; highlight-indents-guide
   ((,class (:background ,n-水黄))))
   ((,class (:background ,n-春緑))))
 ;; hl-line
 `(hl-line ((,class (:underline ,(--u? 'hl-line)
                                ;; :background ,n-芽灰
                                ;; :distant-foreground ,n-墨
                                :extend t
                                :weight bold))))

 ;;; minibuffer
 `(minibuffer-prompt ((,class (:foreground ,n-松绿 :weight bold
                                           :underline t))))

 ;;; mode line
   ((,class (:foreground ,n-寶藍))))
   ((,class (:foreground ,n-松绿))))
   ((,class (:foreground ,n-墨
                         :weight light))))
   ((,class (:inherit mode-line))))
   ((,class (:foreground ,n-火红
                         :inherit mode-line
                         :weight bold))))
   ((,class (:foreground ,n-火红 :weight light))))
   ((,class (:foreground ,n-墨
                         :weight light))))
   ((,class (:foreground ,n-墨 :weight light))))
   ((,class (:foreground ,n-靛青
                         :inherit mode-line
                         :weight light))))
   ((,class (:inherit doom-modeline-urgent))))
   ((,class (:inherit doom-modeline-warning))))
   ((,class (:inherit doom-modeline-warning))))
   ((,class (:inherit mode-line :background nil))))
   ((,class (:foreground ,n-青青 :weight bold))))
   ((,class (:foreground ,n-品红
                         :inherit mode-line
                         :weight bold))))
   ((,class (:foreground ,n-松花
                         :inherit mode-line
                         :weight bold))))
 `(mode-line          ((,class (:background ,n-胡粉 :weight light))))
 `(mode-line-inactive ((,class (:background ,n-素 :weight light))))

 ;;; orderless
   ((,class (:background ,n-富春紡   :foreground ,n-蒼翠 :weight bold))))
   ((,class (:background ,n-鳳仙粉   :foreground ,n-珈琲椶 :weight bold))))
   ((,class (:background ,n-龍泉靑瓷 :foreground ,n-靛青   :weight bold))))
   ((,class (:background ,n-紙棕     :foreground ,n-松绿   :weight bold))))

 ;;; org mode
   ((,class (:background ,n/淺背景 :foreground ,n-墨 :extend t))
    (,classd (:background ,nd/淺背景 :foreground ,n-缟 :extend t))))
   ((,class (:background ,n-嬭油
                         :box (:line-width 1 :style released-button)
                         :extend t
                         :foreground ,n/墨缟
                         :weight bold
                         :slant italic))))
   ((,class (:foreground ,n-松绿))
    (,classd (:foreground ,n-蔥青))))
 `(org-code ((,class (:background ,n-米灰
                                  :foreground ,n-墨
                                  :inheit fixed-pitch))))
   ((,class (:background ,n-富春紡
                         :extend t
                         :foreground ,n/墨缟
                         :height ,(--s? 1.7)
                         :weight bold))))
   ((,class (:extend nil
                         :foreground ,n/墨缟
                         :height ,(--s? 1.2)
                         :slant italic))))
   ((,class (:background ,n/素墨
                         :foreground ,n/墨缟
                         :height ,(--s? 1.2)
                         :slant italic))))
   ((,class (:box (:line-width 2 :style released-button)
                  :foreground ,n/墨缟))))
   ((,class (:foreground ,n-米灰
                         :underline nil))))
   ((,class (:underline (:color ,n-松花)))))
 `(org-list-dt ((,class (:height ,(--s? 1.1) :weight bold))))
   ((,class (:inherit font-lock-comment-face
                      :underline nil))))
 `(org-property-value ((,class (:foreground ,n-松绿))))
   ((,class (:inherit org-link
                      :overline  t
                      :underline t))))
 `(org-special-keyword ((,class (:foreground ,n-深竹月))))
 `(org-superstar-header-bullet ((,class (:background ,n-富春紡))))
 `(org-superstar-item ((,class (:foreground ,n-靛青))))
   ((,class (;; :background ,n/牙黛
             :box nil
                  :foreground ,n/墨缟
                  :slant normal
                  :underline nil
                  :weight bold))))
 `(org-verbatim ((,class (:background ,n-春緑
                                      :foreground ,n-墨
                                      :inheit fixed-pitch))))

 ;;; Outline
 ;; Also the org-levels
   ((,class (:extend nil
                     ;; :background ,n-霜
                     :foreground ,n-靛青
                     :height ,(--os? 1.4)
                     :overline nil
                     :underline nil
                     :weight bold))))
   ((,class (:extend nil
                     ;; :background ,n-露玫瑰
                     :foreground ,n-紫扇貝
                     :height ,(--os? 1.2)
                     :overline nil
                     :underline nil
                     :weight bold))))
   ((,class (:extend nil
                     ;; :background ,n-春緑
                     :foreground ,n-松绿
                     :height ,(--os? 1.1)
                     :overline nil
                     :underline nil
                     :weight bold))))
   ((,class (:extend nil
                     ;; :background ,n-淡紫丁香
                     :foreground ,n/青莲丁香
                     :height ,(--os? 1.1)
                     :overline nil
                     :underline nil
                     :weight bold))))
   ((,class (:extend nil
                     :foreground ,n-靛青
                     :height ,(--os? 1.1)
                     :slant italic
                     :weight normal))))
   ((,class (:extend nil
                     :foreground ,n-茶
                     :height ,(--os? 1.1)
                     :slant italic
                     :weight normal))))
   ((,class (:extend nil
                     :foreground ,n-松绿
                     :height ,(--os? 1.1)
                     :slant italic
                     :weight normal))))
   ((,class (:extend nil
                     :foreground ,n/青莲丁香
                     :height ,(--os? 1.1)
                     :slant italic
                     :weight normal))))

 ;;; page break lines
   ((,class (:inherit font-lock-comment-face :slant normal :underline nil))))

 ;;; Show parens
 `(show-paren-match    ((,class (:background ,n-丁香))))
 `(show-paren-mismatch ((,class (:background ,n-鳳仙粉))))

 ;;; tab-line and tab-bar
 `(tab-line                               ((t (:inherit mode-line))))
 `(tab-line-tab                           ((t (:inherit mode-line))))
 `(tab-line-tab-inactive                  ((t (:inherit mode-line-inactive))))
 `(tab-line-tab-face-inactive-alternating ((t (:inherit mode-line-inactive))))
 `(tab-line-tab-current                   ((t (:inherit mode-line :foreground ,n-富春紡))))
 `(tab-line-highlight                     ((t (:inherit tab-line-tab))))

 `(tab-bar                ((t (:inherit tab-line))))
 `(tab-bar-tab            ((t (:inherit tab-line-tab))))
 `(tab-bar-tab-inactive   ((t (:inherit tab-line-tab-inactive))))

 ;;; term
 `(term-color-black   ((,class (:background ,n-墨     :foreground ,n-墨))))
 `(term-color-blue    ((,class (:background ,n-靛青   :foreground ,n-靛青))))
 `(term-color-cyan    ((,class (:background ,n-湖藍   :foreground ,n-湖藍))))
 `(term-color-green   ((,class (:background ,n-松绿   :foreground ,n-松绿))))
 `(term-color-magenta ((,class (:background ,n-長萅蕐 :foreground ,n-長萅蕐))))
 `(term-color-red     ((,class (:background ,n-火红   :foreground ,n-火红))))
 `(term-color-white   ((,class (:background ,n-缟     :foreground ,n-缟))))
 `(term-color-yellow  ((,class (:background ,n-紙棕   :foreground ,n-紙棕))))
   ((,class (:background ,n-墨))))

 ;;; vertico
 `(vertico-mouse  ((,class (:background ,n-紙棕
                                        :inherit highlight))))

 ;;; which-func
 `(which-func  ((,class (:foreground ,n-青青 :weight light))))))

;;;###autoload (and load-file-name (boundp 'custom-theme-load-path) (add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path (file-name-as-directory (file-name-directory load-file-name))))

(provide-theme 'nasy) #+end_src

  • Footer :noexport: :PROPERTIES: :ID: D06983B0-64EC-41CD-A6AD-D243B37D4DCC :END:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp (provide 'nasy-theme) ;;; nasy-theme.el ends here #+end_src

Local Variables:

org-src-fontify-natively: nil
