Thank you for your interest in phpWatch! After installation, please read the user-guide in the "docs" directory.
NOTES : This is a release of phpWatch 2. As such, it is not compatible with any phpWatch 1.x.x and must be installed in a clean directory, free of any phpWatch 1.x.x files. Further, it is not currently possible to import settings, monitors, nor contact information from phpWatch 1.x.x into a 2.x.x released.
UPDATING : Updating from an existing phpWatch 2.x.x installation is done by copying the new files, excluding config.php and the /install directory, into your existing phpWatch directory. Alternatively, all files including these exclusions can be copied but the install process will be re-run although no database changes will be made.
EASY INSTALL : 1) Change the permissions on config.php within the root directory to allow for writing. 2) Navigate to the install directory from a web browser and follow the instructions. 3) Delete the install directory and change the permissions of config.php to disallow writing.
MANUAL INSTALL : If you prefer a manual installation: 1) Fill in the database host, user, password, and name in config.php. 2) Import install/dump.sql into the specified database. 3) Navigate to the root directory of phpWatch and verify there are no errors. 4) Delete the install directory.
CRONJOB SETUP : To allow phpWatch to query services at a specific interval without human interaction, a cronjob (or scheduled task in Windows) must be setup to run cron.php at the desired frequency. Keep in mind, a full path should be used.
For example, to setup a cronjob that runs every 5 minutes, run "crontab -e" and add the following line to the end of
the file:
*/5 * * * * php /path/to/phpwatch/root/directory/cron.php