Node.js client for Cloudflare's KV Storage: a global, highly distributed, low-latency, key-value data store.
Workers KV is a highly distributed, eventually consistent, key-value store that spans Cloudflare's global edge. It allows you to store billions of key-value pairs and read them with ultra-low latency anywhere in the world. Now you can build entire applications with the performance of a CDN static cache.
This project follows the std:kv-storage specs.
⚠️ Early preview release (0.0.7) - Don't use in production.
yarn add storage-kv
const { StorageArea } = require("storage-kv");
Creates a new StorageArea that provides an async key/value store view onto a Cloudflare KV namespace.
const storage = new StorageArea("cats");
This does not actually fetch or create the namespace yet; that is done lazily when other methods are called. This means that all other methods can reject with namespace-related exceptions in failure cases.
You can specify in the options the path to Cloudflare credentials file:
const storage = new StorageArea("cats", {
keyFilename: "/path/to/keyFilename.json"
or passing the credentials directly
const storage = new StorageArea("cats", { credentials: { id, email, key } });
If none is given it will look for credential CF_KEY, CF_ID, CF_EMAIL or CF_KEYFILENAME in global env, falling back to "./cf-credentials.json".
Asynchronously stores the given value so that it can later be retrieved by the given key.
Values types are automatically inferred and can be of type [String
, ReadableStream
, ArrayBuffer
, FormData
The returned promise will fulfill with undefined on success.
await storage.set("one-cat", "birman");
Keys can be set to expire:
: seconds since epoch -
: seconds from now
await storage.set("one-cat", "birman", { exp: 1558853089 });
await storage.set("another-cat", "merican curl", { ttl: 60 });
Asynchronously retrieves the value stored at the given key, or undefined if there is no value stored at key.
const cat = await storage.get("one-cat");
console.assert(cat === "birman");
Asynchronously deletes the entry at the given key.
This is equivalent to storage.set(key, undefined)
The returned promise will fulfill with undefined on success.
await storage.delete("one-cat");
Asynchronously deletes all entries in this storage area. This is done by actually deleting the underlying namespace. The returned promise will fulfill with undefined on success.
await storage.clear();
Retrieves an async iterator containing the keys of all entries in this storage area. Keys will be yielded in ascending order;
for await (const key of storage.keys()) {
// "one-cat"
// "another-cat"
Retrieves an async iterator containing the values of all entries in this storage area.
Values will be ordered as corresponding to their keys; see keys()
for await (const value of storage.values()) {
// "birman"
// "american curl"
Retrieves an async iterator containing the [key, value]
of all entries in this storage area.
Entries will be ordered as corresponding to their keys; see keys()
for await (const [key, value] of storage.entries()) {
console.log(key, value);
// "one-cat", "birman"
// "another-cat", "american curl"