A set of class which create a command line utility which scans a entire site, a sub folder of a site or set of given urls. The library is design to be simple and speed. Analysed of silex take by example 4 seconds for 150 urls (68 crawled resources and 82 curled links).
The system require goutte in the same folder (https://github.com/fabpot/Goutte.git)
The class can be simply use by typing in the command line :
php scanner 'url' [ [url2] [url2] ... [url3] ]
wget https://github.com/fabpot/Goutte/blob/b966bcbd7220bc5cbfe0d323e22499aa022a6c75/goutte.phar?raw=1 -O goutte.phar && wget https://raw.github.com/nicodmf/PhpUrlScanner/master/scanner.php && php scanner.php http://getcomposer.org
In this example, the 404 are normal as the pages demand an identification and refuse simple connection without following another url.
You can test too another url :
php scanner.php http://silex.sensiolabs.org/
Three statics methods provide the scan process :
Scanner::collect_and_return($url, $test_externals, $with_subpath, $with_sub_domain, $max_depth)
Scanner::collect_and_save($url, $file, $test_externals, $with_subpath, $with_sub_domain, $max_depth)
As the scan take time, the simpliest way is to collect and save the result in a serialized file. This file could be simply unserialized later to permit functionnals analysis.
The serialized file contains the "Resources" object created in the scan process.
The scan is a loop which crawle html files, identify links (for now just links in an anchor tag), analyses and sorts those: external links will analized by simple curls request, internals resources crawle by Goutte.
If the libs interessed some peoples :
- Integration of symfony command component
- Separation in file for each class
- Better composer/packagist integration
- Compilation as a phar
- Utilisation of child class for the storage class resources/resource/url
- Add link in script, header, css files
- Add other controls (w3c compliance for css/html)