#Problem sets from the OCW 6.00 course Intro to Computer Science and Programming!
The course is an intro to CS concepts and programming in Python. It took me about 4 weeks to watch all the lectures and almost finish all the psets! This repo has my (partial) solutions to the psets...
- search methods
- algorithmic complexity and big O notation
- recursion
- memoisation
- dynamic programming
- classes and hashing
- sampling and monte carlo simulations
- optimisation and greedy algorithms (0-1 knapsack problem)
- clustering (k-means and hierarchichal)
- graph algorithms (depth first search, breadth first search)
- queuing network models
- Basic Into to Python - calculating how to pay off Credit Card Debt
- Implementing the Hangman game
- Implementing a word game
- Coding and decoding the Caesar Cypher
- Implementing an RSS feed filter
- Simulating a robot
- Simulating the spread of disease and virus populations and responses to administration of drugs (part 1)
- Simulating the spread of disease and virus populations and responses to administration of drugs (part 2)
- Greedy Algorithms for MIT Class Schedule Optimisation
- Clustering US Census Data
- Graph Algorithms for finding shortest paths on the MIT campus