= ModelSet
ModelSet is a array-like class for dealing with sets of ActiveRecord models. ModelSet stores a list of ids and fetches the models lazily only when necessary. You can also add conditions in SQL to further limit the set. Currently I support alternate queries using the Solr search engine through a subclass, but I plan to abstract this out into a "query engine" class that will support SQL, Solr, Sphinx, and eventually, other query methods (possibly raw RecordCache hashes and other search engines).
== Usage:
class RobotSet < ModelSet end
set1 = RobotSet.new([1,2,3,4]) # doesn't fetch the models
set1.each do |model| # fetches all # do something end
set2 = RobotSet.new([1,2])
set3 = set1 - set2 set3.ids
set3 << Robot.find(5) set3.ids
== Install:
sudo gem install ninjudd-deep_clonable -s http://gems.github.com sudo gem install ninjudd-ordered_set -s http://gems.github.com sudo gem install ninjudd-model_set -s http://gems.github.com
== License:
Copyright (c) 2009 Justin Balthrop, Geni.com; Published under The MIT License, see LICENSE