req is a very simple command line wrapper around Mikeal Roger's excellent request library.
req tries to make some guesses as to what you'd really like to do. When a body is detected as parseable json, req will send it with the appropriate content-type. When sending a file, req will base the Content-Type on the file's extension. On a GET request, req will print text and json to stdout, while other requests will be saved to a file according to either a Content-Disposition filename or the path of the request. You can override this, of course, by using the -o flag (works for text and json as well). Any headers that you manually specify will always take precedence over req's guesses.
I wrote this little wrapper because I got tired of curl's massive man-page and unintuitive flags. Is it as powerful as curl? Probably not, but it is definitely easier to use.
Usage: req [options] [method] uri
Any valid HTTP method is supported. If unspecified, GET will be used.
-h, --headers Headers to attach to the request in the form header=value
-q, --querystring Querystring parameters in the form param=value (these can also be passed as part of the URI)
-b, --body The body of the request. If this is set to valid json, it will automatically set the json content-type. Can also attach the contents of the file using e.g. @uploadthis.txt
-o, --output File to write output to, otherwise will print text and json to screen and guess a filename for binaries
-u, --username Username for basic auth
-p, --password Password for basic auth
-f, --form Similar to the body flag, but sends the data as x-www-form-urlencoded
-v, --verbose Output response headers and status codes
Some examples:
To upload the file picture.jpg to (assumes a POST request, automatically sets Content-Type to image/jpeg based on file extension)
req -b @picture.jpg
To PUT some plain text as form data (x-www-form-urlencoded)
req put -f 'formdata'
To POST a JSON blob to (automatically detects valid json and sets Content-Type to application/json)
req -b '{"status": "bored"}' -q user=tom
Setting multiple query strings or headers is as easy as adding more -q or -h flags (PUT
req put -q user=tom -q status=bored -q location=home
Basic auth? Not a problem! (Note that currently you must specify these inline. A prompt will be coming in the next version)
req -u username -p password
Download a file
Specify a location
req -o realname.exe